Getting off a lifetime ov diazrpam help

jmc75 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
Hi I've been on prescription diazepam since 19 years old I'm now 47 this year and currently on 19x2mg DAILY   dispensed weekly  only need to phone prescription  line at doctors every month for repeat  this for anxiety also have haemochromotosis high iron constant pain in joints and back and think it's affecting mental health aswell as these tablets   thanks   


  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Morning @jmc75 Welcome to this great group.
    We can't talk about meds, just incase people give the wrong information 
    My understanding of these and many other drugs is you will need the help and advise from your doctor to come of them. Have you discussed it with your Doctor.
  • jmc75
    jmc75 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Ye it's been same doctor for 12 years and before that another doctor going bk to 19 year old I've tried I've been at mental health counselling  had drug council in years ago  I just sit waste away n take the tablets   thanks  for reply 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Hi @jmc75
    "just sit waste away n take the tablets"

    That doesn't sound like your liking much at the moment.

    Glad you've joined us, would you like to tell us a little about your life, only if you want to of course.
    For instance do you work
    Have you got any hobbies
    Is there any were you like to go/visit 
  • jmc75
    jmc75 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Hi  Ye don't like much about myself at the moment or for some time now  I think I'm just way to stuck in a rut I'm 47 this July been on these meds since 19  I've also got other health issues  haemachromotosis tinnitus carpal tunnel  back pains joint pains  I've no hobbies apart watching football I've got a family  fiancee 2girls 1 boy and a 3yr old grandson who I love all to bits   I've not worked since 22 got laid off then spent my whole life taking tablets n now just feel I'm realising  what I should have realised many moons ago  I also suffer childhood trauma from alcoholic parents and seen so much violence from so young both parents not alive anymore this all the root of problem I think  but I don't drink and my kids have not had to endure that kind of life  I just feel  kinda hopeless as work wise I've done nothing and got nothing show for my life outside the family  no friends at all  they all passed away  and they were only friends I knew   thanks  
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    I'm so sorry to hear all this, i'm not an expert on any thing, but i am feeling your pain.
    It sounds like you've got the perfect life a partner, lovely children and a grandchild. 
    What made you join our forum, was it you or your partner.
    I know i am not the right person to talk about any mental health problems and i do worry that i say the wrong thing but i can't ignore you - i am going to tag some of the others into your post, i feel they can help you more.
    @Tori_Scope @L_Volunteer @Alex_Scope
  • jmc75
    jmc75 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Hi thanks for  reply and tagging me  I joined myself as I sit in the wee hours ov the night and that when I feel mental health worse  I am thankfully for my family think I'm just a bit lost some days better than others  but thank you again    
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    I know the nights can be the worse i think our brains go into over drive, i bet your tired all the time aswel.
    Do you think coming of the meds would be the right thing to do, i don't know but just thinking. 
    I've had a sudden surge with my own body - i have spine and joint problems. I've suddenly gone from working and leading a fairly good active life, to being on long term sick and not being able to walk far. I can't do much some days, but i am a lot older then you ha ha - and some days feel like groundhog days, just keep taking the tablets, but they don't give me my old life back. It sounds to me like your challenging what you have done with your life and were to go now, you mention work is it something you want to do or can do or is your health, meds etc holding you back from that. 
  • jmc75
    jmc75 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    You are spot on  I actually don't know if coming off them would make me better mentally  my doc thinks not  I can take 3 as I have just done and feel mire awake and more willing to go out and speak to ppl just back from shop I don't usually go  I think just being able to put the thought onto somewhere like this has been good I've never done it   I have got haemachromotosis (high iron ) which also causes my joint pain and lethargy   need go get venesecion start again Tuesday to remove high iron  this could also have something to do with my mental health also  again thanks I appreciate the responses   
  • JustPete
    JustPete Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 303 Empowering

    Please ask your doctor to discuss alternative drugs that might be more appropriate; there are so many new drugs that might be better for you rather than Diazepam. I am limited in how much I can say medically - but I have tried many drugs/drug combinations over 30yrs, starting with Diazepam.

    Secondly, regarding your feeling of low worth; I am sure that is how you feel.  However, it seems like you have so much worth, things you have achieved and things to give.  Try not to be too hard on yourself.

    Finally, this community is great, especially for people understanding and advising.  Please use us as much as you need/want.  By sharing your experiences you are actually helping others too.
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    edited April 2022
    Definitely need to speak to the gp about coming off diazepam, the withdrawal symptoms can be horrid with some of those types of medication. 

    As ive said before failure is an event not a person (I’m quoting Zig Zigler), try not to be hard on yourself as justpete says. At your age there’s still plenty of future to look forward to and good things happen sometimes just out of the blue. It pays to be optimistic, mentally and physically better for you to look on the bright side.
  • jmc75
    jmc75 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thanks for the comments appreciated  I take all they diazepam and oy get max 5 hours sleep phoned doc this week he now give me nitrazepam to sleep  they have helped sleep to be fair but  can't rely on more tablets these are only short term  the diazepam has been from 18 year old and I'm 47 in July   I do try to look on the upside but there are stuff happening outwith diazepam to do with my mental health and historic memories flashing bk I'm tired all time due to meds plus I need go get pints blood removed which also making me lethargic due to iron overload aches pain in joints  it all just adds to my anxiety and low mood I think   again thanks for comments appreciated 
  • JustPete
    JustPete Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 303 Empowering
    @jmc75 It is what we are here for! No need to thank us.

    We can only listen and advise/comment.  We are more than happy to do that.
    You may want to consider counselling, and if so mention it to your GP although I think you can self-refer these days.
    I was very sceptical of having counselling.  But it really did help me.

    Anyway, again, we  are here to listen.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @jmc75 I'm just checking in to see how things have been since you last posted?

    I'm so glad to read that you've been feeling supported by the community in this discussion :)