em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
Hi Everyone 
Hope all Is well 
Just wondering if anyone could help at all.
When I first claimed UC, I clicked on the wrong option, for Housing. I put Supported Housing, not Rented, and It didn't give me the option to change it. I didn't think it mattered, as I thought, the UC payment, was to cover my rent.
Only later, did I find out, that you can get your Housing costs, paid for, In Rented accommodation.
Would I still be able to ask the dwp, to look into this. Or as Ive moved now, Is it to late ?
I used my UC & PIP, to pay rent, and bills etc, until now, I've moved, and now receive Housing.
Thanks In advance 


  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    Sorry, I've only just seen your message. 
    I moved house, In October 2021.
  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    They said that my UC payment included my rent, so I didn't question it. I wasn't aware that you could get housing payment, for rented. Just assumed it should come out of my UC each month
  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    I didn't say anything about putting Supported housing,  instead of Rented. As I thought it wouldn't make any difference. As I'd not heard of assistance with Housing costs before.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The reason you didn't receive any help with the rent previously is because when living ing supported housing, UC do not cover your rent, it's covered by housing benefit. (Local Authority)
    I have no idea if it can be backdated and the only person that can decide that is a decision maker? You will need proof of liability to pay rent, such as a tenancy agreement, do you still have that?
  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    Yes, I have all paperwork 
    How would I go about asking ? I have severe  Anxiety,  so I find It hard to ask, as I don't want them to think, Im being funny about It. It was my mistake.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Put a message onto your journal under the payments section, with the dates you lived there and exactly what happened.
    I know this is slightly different but what happened about that time when you were late applying for housing element when you moved house? Was that backdated in the end?
  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    No, they only paid from February 2022.
    As I'd only just reported a change  in January. I was so overwhelmed with the whole situation, I couldn't think straight 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Thanks, yes i did have a feeling that may happen. You may have the same issue with trying to backdate this one but no harm in asking. What you should have done is ask when you realised you weren't receiving it, when you could have.
  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    I wasn't aware that It existed. I honestly thought that Housing costs, came out of my UC payment, each month.
    No-one told me about being able to claim for Rent assistance.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    When you first claimed it did ask you that question but because you ticked "supported housing" this isn't covered by UC. Had you ticked privately renting it would have then prompted you to send evidence of eligiblity to pay your rent.
    All you can do is ask and it will go to a decision maker to make that final decision.
  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    I realise that now
    I just didn't think It made any difference, as I just thought, the payment was to cover my Rent, In the first place. Never heard of the Housing Element. Thanks ever so much, for all your support.
  • em444
    em444 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Connected
    Hi All
    Thanks ever so much for all of your advice so far
    I put a note, on my UC Journal, and they asked for my previous housing details.
    they said that, it would have to be sent to a decision maker, as its been over 2 years, since I started my UC claim.
    I did explain that It was my mistake, and that Id used my UC to pay my rent, and I wasnt aware of being able to get help with my Rent.
    It may still be to late, but you never know 
    Thanks again
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Thanks for the update @em444, hopefully you hear back soon :) 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited June 2022
    @em444 it’s normal for it to go to a decision maker. Do let us know the outcome please.