Hi, my name is Mamanoodle! How do I claim back 50% of my vehicle tax?

Mamanoodle Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited August 2022 in Benefits and income
Hello everyone 
thank you for letting me join
please can you help me?
How do I claim back 50% of my vehicle tax? I get standard rate mobility from pip. I’ve just paid full price tax as I had no idea I could get it reduced? 
Thank you


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @Mamanoodle and welcome to the community :) 

    How are you this morning?

    Thank you for joining and posting this question, 

    I found the below information over on this Disabled Motoring UK page, towards the bottom it says that "if you feel the application will not be processed quickly enough to keep your car taxed you can pay upfront and apply for a refund. You would need to send the same as above but rather than a cheque you can send proof of payment or a covering letter saying when you paid." I would maybe suggest that you give that a go, but instead explaining that you didn't realise you were eligible.

    The rest of the section says:
    If you are entitled to the 50% discount, then you can ONLY obtain this by sending the appropriate paperwork to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BF
    You must include the following with your application:
    • An official letter or statement from the DWP confirming that you are in receipt of an award, the dates of the award, name and address
    • an ADP decision letter from Social Security Scotland that shows your mobility component rate and the dates you’re getting it 
    • the vehicle registration certificate (V5C)
    • an original MOT or GVT certificate (if your vehicle needs one)
    Don’t include a copy of your PIP adjudication with your application.
    If you’ve just bought the vehicle and it’s not registered in your name yet, you’ll need to download and complete a V62 form and include the V5C/2 new keeper supplement with your application.
    if you feel the application will not be processed quickly enough to keep your car taxed you can pay upfront and apply for a refund. You would need to send the same as above but rather than a cheque you can send proof of payment or a covering letter saying when you paid.
    Vehicles that receive the 50% reduction are in the standard taxation class for that vehicle. They will not be in the Disabled tax class like vehicles that receive the 100% exemption.

    I hope you enjoy taking part in the online community, I look forward to seeing you around :) 

  • Kev1n
    Kev1n Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    Good luck with your application as it is my experience that the DWP and the DVLA are going out of their way to make the process as hard as possible, costing many claimants multiple recorded postage fees and loss of time whilst vehicle is without tax, not mentioning the stress causes by this process which in my opinion is all to put people off and paying the full amount.

    I have been disabled for more than twelve years now having been labelled a liar and a benefit cheat on multiple occasions by the DWP, had money stopped for up to two years and felt as though I have been made to jump through hoops to prove that they are wrong, pun intended.

    Each time I have had to apply for reduced tax I have had forms returned as the DWP proof was either not enough, wrong or as in my latest application, both.

    If you send the DVLA your full DWP form it does not have a future date on it, if you send them your latest DWP, PIP form it does not have the right information or it only has twelve months notice on them. Whatever you do, unless you are a disabled pensioner or child, you are wrong.

    I am now faced, due to the length of time it takes the DVLA to return your documents, with my tax running out, being without transport whilst having to wait for the DWP to send me the right proof which in its self can be a nightmare as there are a lot of people within the DWP who do not know their arses from their elbows, then having to get to a post office to pay another over the top charge to re-send the documents whilst hopping everything will this time be OK and my vehicle will be TAXED for another eleven and a half months.