Has anyone had an ADHD Referral to OWL ADHD?

confusednewt Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
edited September 2022 in Autism and neurodiversity

I have Autism (not diagnosed with OWL) and have waited 7 years on the NHS for the second part of my assessment (ADHD) 
** I just wanted to add I don’t know if 7 years is a normal or the current wait time, mine is because I moved out of my old county so rather than letting me attend the ADHD assessment there I was discharged by the CCG 🙄**

I’ve been referred to OWL and so far have completed 4 online questionnaires. They’ve also sent 2 questionnaires to my parent.

I just wanted to speak to other ADHD’ers and find out a little about the process after they have these questionnaires, and find out a rough time scale from now to when I would potentially receive my “official” ADHD diagnosis and the report.

I find it a little confusing as all I’ve been told is it’s all online, however my Autism one was in person. I also wanted to ask what is the outcome after assessment? Can you access support/therapy specifically for ADHD in the U.K.? And will they recommend medicine? I don’t think autism has any medication that can help but I’ve no idea re ADHD.

thanks so much in advance!

- Newt


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Hi @confusednewt :) It's good to hear from you!

    I'm not sure I've heard of OWL. Would you be able to tell us a little more about what it is? 

    Is it The Owl Centre?

    ADHD UK have some information about ADHD diagnosis pathways, which you might like to look through.

    You might also want to read the NHS' page on ADHD, including their sections on treatment options and living with ADHD.

    There are medicines that some people with ADHD find helpful. This is something you can discuss with your GP or specialist if the time comes. There's some information about that on the NHS link above.

    I believe that there are talking therapy options for those with ADHD, too, as well as other types of practical support. Really, it depends on what works for you!

    Do you have any types of support you think you could benefit from in mind?
  • confusednewt
    confusednewt Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Hi @confusednewt :) It's good to hear from you!

    I'm not sure I've heard of OWL. Would you be able to tell us a little more about what it is? 

    Is it The Owl Centre?

    ADHD UK have some information about ADHD diagnosis pathways, which you might like to look through.

    You might also want to read the NHS' page on ADHD, including their sections on treatment options and living with ADHD.

    There are medicines that some people with ADHD find helpful. This is something you can discuss with your GP or specialist if the time comes. There's some information about that on the NHS link above.

    I believe that there are talking therapy options for those with ADHD, too, as well as other types of practical support. Really, it depends on what works for you!

    Do you have any types of support you think you could benefit from in mind?
    Hi Tori, thankyou so much for your message and for sharing these resources. 
    Yes, it is indeed the owl centre.

    I will have a look at these pages now :)

    Wow I did not know there were medications available that is good to know and I will have a research of that too; hopefully other people that have used this service will find the thread and share their experiences, I am quite anxious with it all being online and only been told it takes 3 hours!

    Support wise I don’t know if there’s a different team you’d be referred to for ADHD therapy compared to mental health therapy, I’ve been waiting for a type of mental health therapy so far for almost 2 years on the NHS also I will ask that centre if they do any kind of ADHD support of if there may be a group I could join locally, I think that would help. :)
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    No problem at all @Confusednewt :) 

    Yes, it's a bit different to have it all done online, but hopefully it'll all go okay! Things like questionnaires are a 'normal' part of the process. Will part of it be a video call, do you know? 

    Is there anything in particular about it being online that's making you anxious? 

    I'd encourage you to ensure that your device is fully charged, you have a drink and perhaps some snacks with you, and that you're in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed if possible. 

    I'd definitely ask them about what's available in your local area. That sounds like a great idea :) I'm aware there are some in my area, so I hope there are some in your area, too. 
  • confusednewt
    confusednewt Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    I just wanted to update that I’ve since had both parts of my assessment and got the adhd diagnosis! Happy to help others if anyone has any questions of the process :)
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Awesome, thank you for the update @confusednewt :) How are you feeling about your new diagnosis?
  • confusednewt
    confusednewt Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    I feel a lot better since having my diagnosis, i knew i had it all my life but having the offical label now makes it a lot easier. I think also that my autism/adhd was the true cause and that i don't have bpd but experience anxiety and depression from my autism/adhd and struggling to navigate and understand a neurotypical, able bodied world where i dont fit. been trying to find local groups to find others that have autism/adhd but not found anything yet!
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    edited December 2022
    I'm so glad to hear you are feeling a lot better :) Giving it a name really does "flip a switch" for you, doesn't it? 
    I hope you do find some local groups, there are many online, as well as our own Autism and Neurodiversity section here :) I hope you stay around.