PA's takeover or not?

martie1118 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Connected

Could someone give me some advice, social services in their wisdom decided to hand me six PAs all because two of my ex-PAs told the social services eleven allegations against me which my family and PAs just laughed at because they were totally untrue, we all answered the allegations one by one in detail. A few weeks later we heard from the Director of Social Services saying that they had a meeting and decided to give my care package and my PAs to the Care Agency. I did complain thinking that I would get an unbiased opinion but guess what it was the Director of Social Services again, I did say that you cannot investigate yourself, but she wouldn't have it, and in the end, they force a Care Agency on us which did not need, I was running it for years with no problems. Another thing I have learnt about the agency is that are getting £8.00 more per hour than when I ran it, this doesn't really add up when keep telling us and everyone else that they haven't enough money to go around so why waste it on a Care Agency.

I also learnt last night that if move the agency or have it back, so I am in control which I want, I am unable to take my Pas with me because somehow, I have been told that they own all my Pas have been me for quite a few years and I don't want to lose, and they don't want to lose me. Is this legal and what can because I do, I am very worried.

Thank you for reading 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @martie1118 and thanks for reaching out, I'm sorry to hear how worried this situation has made you. Hopefully we can help to reassure you. 

    Just so that I understand fully when you say that "you ran it" could you explain what you mean? Have you been running a care agency? 

    I know that if you're unhappy with service that you receive from social care, you can direct complaints to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to support you.
  • martie1118
    martie1118 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Connected
    Hello Alex, I was paid each month by social services to employ my own Pas and employed a wages company to do their timesheets. Social services did give me an email address for the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman unfortunately later I found out it was the local Director of my Social services who was investigating my complaint. I am unhappy with the Agency, I want in control again because since they took over my life has stopped, 
    If read this before tomorrow at 10.30 am because I have a meeting with the Agency. 
    I also learnt last night that if move the agency or have it back, so I am in control which I want, I am unable to take my Pas with me because somehow, I have been told that they own all my Pas have been me for quite a few years and I don't want to lose, and they don't want to lose me. Is this legal and what can I do to stop the Agency from taking my Pas away from me after all we are a package and should remain so, I am very worried.