Vegetarian/Veganism and CP

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,716 Cerebral Palsy Network
edited November 2022 in Cerebral Palsy Network

Today I'm talking with Ally about her experiences living with CP and how she has found that diet has had a positive impact on her impairment. When not working as a Bursary Administrator, Ally is a member of Scope's CP Network. 


[Ally is standing wearing a floral blouse with a light brown skirt and blue shoes by the edge of a pond]

Ally is a Climate Ambassador for her local Women’s Institute (WI), enjoys reading books, likes walking and is always up for an Espresso Martini. 

Hi, Ally. Thanks for talking with me today. Could you tell us a bit about yourself? 

I live in South Wales, and I was born with mild hemiplegic CP in Perth Australia. I have been in Wales for 6 years, and I work full-time. 

How would you compare life in Wales to life in Australia? 

Not much difference really, I was 25 when I came over to Wales and I already knew how to cope with my CP.  

Negotiating the health service was the most difficult thing and I noticed that most CP charities are focused on children.  

Then through my own research, I found Scope. I enjoy being a part of Network CP. It’s good to talk with people who are in a similar situation. 

So, Ally, you are a vegan, what is that? 

A vegan is a person who won’t eat or wear any animal products or by-products like milk, eggs, wool, leather etc. 

Vegan food consists of beans, pulses fruits vegetables and some kinds of pasta.  

There are lots of meat substitutes too. But I’m not a fan of anything overly processed.  

Did you go vegan to help with aspects of your CP? 

In the beginning no I didn’t but then I realised over time that being healthier would benefit my body as a whole and I was curious as to whether it would influence my CP. 

Have noticed any changes in your CP? 

I have noticed throughout my time being vegetarian/vegan that the spasms in my left arm are less and when they do occur, they are less painful. 

What tips would somebody who is thinking about changing to a vegetarian or vegan diet? 

My tips would start off small and use what you already have in your kitchen. 

Always make sure you speak to a G.P. before making drastic changes to your diet. 

There are some resources that are useful 

Youtube has some good videos too. Like Sustainably Vegan. 

Thank you Ally it’s been great learning about you and learning about how you became vegan. 

Would consider becoming vegetarian or vegan? Or have you found that making changes to your diet has had a beneficial effect on your disability impairment?