Advice on dla tribunal

rebecca1981 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Pls has anyone got any advice on a dla tribunal? It's for my 12 year old son who's autistic well in the process of having tests. Some doc say adhd some don't under useless Chams and and going in circles 


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @rebecca1981, and welcome!

    Best of luck with your tribunal: many of our community members have been through the process and will be happy to help. You may like to look at our previous PIP/DLA discussions where many have shared their experiences, and you may also find Scope's advice on appealing DWP decisions helpful. Best of luck, and keep us updated! 
  • yumyum
    yumyum Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Put all your evidence together and go there and present the case of your child, just try to be calm and answer all their questions as best as you can, if they need more evidence they will request for it directly or ask you to produce if as soon as possible...take your time and I wish you best of luck.
  • bevt2017
    bevt2017 Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
    HI and welcome to the community.
    I have been through the P.I.P process through the courts.
    I wish I could say it was easy, but it wasn't (i was very emotional)
    There was a judge, a doctor and a health care person, asking me questions.
    Some stupid questions like "Who does my hair" "Who does my nails" 
    There was also a clerk there writing everything down.
    I took my husband for support, and a lady from the deaf society.
    They were both quetioned, on how I deal with my disabilitys.
    I sent them a dairy of when I had hospital or doctors appointments, dates, times, procedures, diagnosis ect. 
    Hospital and doctors letters.
    Appointment letters.
    I even sent in pictures of all my infections.
    Does your son have support from an organisation? 
    I would send letters from his teachers, explaining how it effects him school.
    I would write a letter, telling them how your son and you manage on a daily basis.
    I hope that helps, I know how stresfull it can be. 
    Best wishes