Misheard song lyrics

Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
edited August 2019 in Coffee lounge
My family always seem to get the lyrics to songs totally wrong...

The Macy Gray song I Try has the words:

Goodbye and I choke
I try to walk away and I stumble
Though I try to hide it, it's clear
My world crumbles when you are not near

My husband sings 

Goodbye and I choke
I try to walk away and I stumble
Though I try to hide it, it's clear
I wore goggles when you are not near

And the song The Bomb by the Bucketheads...

My sister sings "peas, pies, pudding, chips and riiiiice"

Tell us your favourite misheard lyrics!!

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  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Some funny ones here...

    These two are definitely one for me (I have Ulcerative Colitis!):

    "The girl with colitis goes by"
    The correct lyric from The Beatles' 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds': "The girl with kaleidoscope eyes"

    "Tummy why? Ain’t nothing but a fart hey, ain’t nothing but a meat steak"
    Correct lyric from Backstreet Boys' 'I Want It That Way':"Ain’t nothing but a heart ache, ain’t nothing but a mistake"

  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    I'm always misleading things Haha thanks for the chuckle @Sam_Scope :)
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    The very funny Peter Kaye does a marvellous routine about this..rude but hilarious!
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    edited August 2019
    Here is the video @pollyanna1052 it is really funny!
  • Opus
    Opus Posts: 46 Contributor
    Not music related but there was a middle eastern business man on news at 10 called Mustafa coch  of coch holdings.Pronounds exactly like it suggests..!
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I love all that silliness! Hilarious ? 
  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Online Community Member Posts: 439 Trailblazing
    Just a way of life for those of us who have an auditory processing disorder, a listening disability, lol
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    My partial deafness does cause hilarity at times !
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Mine too @pollyanna1052
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sam_Scope   Like this sometimes clueless about what exactly they all singing about.

    Of the age of the Night clubs.  In the eighties  Watched a recent TOFTP.  

    1988 I think it was.  Every act just one word. Then some noise  I thought he said his toothbrush. In one act  and did we really look like that.

    Those who were in the eighties.

    All a haze a blur. Know had and forgetting much of it.  Some years no idea had happened.

    Back to the 60's and the jazz and blues, soul can recall most of the words and clear as crystal. Those jazz standards.

    Frank Sinatra and the rest.

    Shocking, stunning how it is called music have no idea of todays . Is that music or is it a grumpy old man going deaf.lol

    Talking of music one of my friendly delivery drivers never heard of Elvis wow he does not know Elvis.

    Think it should be in schools the education of music the early years of Rock and Roll.

    All the trouble and problems they have and still are going through. Including racism and much more. Might stop those who wishing to be famous .

    Think about it before starting out.

    Reason a lot of the stars still round touring . From the 60's and Motown.  

    Do have hearing loss.  Does help the words to remember then can help with my memory.

    Take care.


  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    talking about 60s etc...saw a Drifters concert in June....of course the original Drifters are all gone...they began in 1953.....I was born in 52! But there have been many, many artists doing Drifters concerts. But it was a wonderful show....love the music...Saturday Night at the Movies..You`re More Than a Number in my Little Red Book....Under the Boardwalk...plus many more great songs.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @pollyanna1052 This the problem with nostalgia and the music .

    Bands like the Drifters have had so many members according to what I know . So they are designated a brand.  Registered as such.

    Have seen Johnny Moore very lucky to see them with him in the group. He is the most recognisable gent. Bald and rather portly did all the songs we grew up with I did. The Seventies.

    Ben E. King did a lot of the early stuff but left around early Sixties.

    This one of the big issues with the music. A lot of legality.

    For example The Three Degrees started in mid Sixties I have tracks from early Seventies. Northern Soul tracks.  People think Sheila Ferguson and that is The Three Degrees.

    Not so. In USA the name is a trade mark.

    No one can call them selves.  The Three Degrees.

    This happened long ago when the early groups split in to fractions.  Each member being a part of the band.

    The Platters, Sonny Williams the lead singer split apart the band. Calls then Sonny Williams and the Platters.

    So it goes on.  Seen Boney M with the male singer Bobby Farrell who could never sing his voice being dubbed by their record producer.

    With unknown line up. With a machine playing the songs all miming.

    We went and made a complaint a lot of furore .

    Another one the list is endless the Seventies the Eighties especially Buck Fizz the story there.  Have call them the original members the Fizz.

    As one of the other band member has used the name . With unknown members.

    Seen many other too many. Usually at those Sixties, Seventies weekends at Holiday camps.

    Bay City Rollers Les MacEwan the lead singer of the Bay City Rollers has to call his band his Name and the Bay City Rollers.

    Just him and some young guys.

    Same with Searchers Mike Pinder and the Searchers was another  one I saw.  Another Sixties band. 

    Jet Harris once a guitarist with the Shadows and working with Sir Cliff Richard. Formed a band Jet Harris and his Shadows.

    His being the word.

    I remember one time this was a Holiday camp.  Anniversary tour listed all these bands doing their I think it was 25 years.

    Arrived on the first night remember this saw 10cc were on great turned out one of the Members on his own with a backing band.

    I think it was Graham Gouldman.  Weekend ruined because every listed band had one or two maybe three members and not ever a original line up.  From every band.

    Nothing illegal about this.  Did feel annoyed but there again.

    Do think it is a con.  After all if you have paid a lot of money..

    Had a friend went to see she said The Four Tops.  Could not recognise any of them. Where is Levi Stubbs she rang me.

    The lead singer. Of the group.  Sorry to say he died a while ago.

    Also same with The Temptations seen them and so many the line ups all changed always did.

    As are the Stylistics all the original members stopped touring.

    It seems if you were in The Music industry want to make money look towards the past.

    The sudden rise of tribute bands. Bootleg Beatles or The Counterfeit Stones all bands have look a likes in the groups.

    Do you want to see a tribute band? Getting expensive is it worth the money.

    Happy listening .

    Take care.


  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    yeh, agree with you. I love the original Eagles band and music...hardly any left of original.....some dead...love Randy.....he started the band and left not long after...missed out on their fame, but did a few things on his own....still alive...looking nowt like the gorgeous guy I still watch on you tube. There`s a group going round called Illegal Eagles....came to Halifax, but sold out....they play all the great songs...Take it to the Limit...Hotel California....
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited August 2019
    Hello @pollyanna1052 Thanks for reply. I remember the Country scene love a lot of the music.

    Lot of it you can see over here does not have to be America.  Some of the old faces and new ones worth the ticket price.

    At least they are .  Many of them solo artists no problems there.

    In the early mid Eighties lots of the singer songwriters of Country Music toured the North the clubs, community centres.

    Eddie Rabbit springs to mind .  Friend of Elvis.  Tells the story of Kentucky Rain a lesser known hit here. Wrote it for Elvis.

    Of course that connection with Elvis, the man his music  and way he did things with people who wrote him songs.

    In those days writers got a small percentage of royalties of any song Elvis changed that.  For any song writer who wrote him songs.

    Then of course the questions started.  About Elvis.  That is the one of the memories I have any one connected with Elvis.

    Plus wrote a lot of songs for many of the Seventies Country Music stars.

    Also as in the original post can understand every line. No misheard lyrics. Not all about Taylor Swift the music .

    Lots of the music at Art venues and centres modest prices.

    Take care.


  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    edited August 2019
    I couldn't do the disco thing as the loud music used to give me vertigo and make me nauseous - cost me a few girlfriends back then. ?
    I always had difficulties understanding lyrics, possibly due to hearing problems after having a perforated eardrum as a child, so it's mostly the melody and rhythm that catches me.
    Have you ever listened to anything from the Cocteau Twins? I always thought Elizabeth Fraser was singing nonsense lyrics or singing in a foreign language - take the track 'Carolyn's Fingers' for instance, a beautiful song but totally unintelligible.
    I could never understand the word 'powderkeg' in Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart - I mean, how often do you hear that in everyday parlance?

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @GettinOlde I agree with you about disco music.

    Understand the Eighties and Nineties and some of the other stuff classed as Disco well it is not and its just a noise.

    Cannot understand any of it. I bought a soul album CD. Most of it I would class as Disco.

    Songs about gripping your thighs and move. Where did that come from?

    Other suggestive, titles.  Mind boggles. Just a good Christian gent.  Too much, need a lie down one of my white pills to calm me down   lol.

    I like the early Seventies soul themed tracks with a dance motif. Up to the 1975 .

    I used to do pop quizzes always a lyrics and guess the words. Remember the question which Songs have the word fandango in them.

    Do you know?

    Your line about powder keg.  Other words not known in song lyrics.

    If you look at some of the albums and the printed words have some respect for those song writers.  How they rhymed everything.

    Those who made the classics and the jazz, blue standards those easy listening songs.

    Those who compose a tune. Don Black , Burt Bacharach , Hal David, Jimmy Van Heusan, Irving Berlin, Ira and George Gershwin, Sammy Cahn, list goes on.

    Every one clever and a gem.  No suggestive words there.

    Can listen in comfort a pleasure.

    Pleasure to talk to you.

    Take care.


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