Hi, my name is Catkins!



  • Catkins
    Catkins Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Thanks Tori for reply xx
    How are you today,wot are u up to ?Its not easy to motivate yourself on your own,(dont want to sound pathetic)normally have loads to do and normally not enough hours in the day,to be truthful..feel angry with myself today."Thank goodness i can put my thoughts on here.Will read in garden for nice fresh air...tomoro a new day.??!!Take care,Have a good day.Xxx
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,456 Championing
    Hi @Catkins!

    It's good to hear from you. I'm working this weekend, so keeping busy. 

    You don't sound pathetic at all. It is really hard to motivate yourself, especially when you're feeling particularly low. I once read an article that talked about something I find useful, and you might find useful too. It was about understanding that on a day you feel low or unmotivated, it's okay to accept that you might get less done. To make it easier to picture this, you can put a percentage on how you feel. For example, I might have a day where I I only feel 30%, where 100% is how I feel on a good day (this is all subjective, and will depend on what your own personal 'normal' is). Therefore, I will have a '30% day' in terms of my productivity. Maybe I can't get through my to-do list, or even leave the house to go somewhere, but I can have a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, eat some food, watch TV, message a friend, and so on. I think it's a good way of thinking about what you can do on a bad day, rather than what you can't do, and accepting that not every day is going to to a great day. Sorry that was a bit wordy, but hopefully it makes some sense?

    Can I ask why you're feeling angry at yourself? Because you're finding it hard to motivate yourself? 

    I'm glad you're finding it helpful to share your thoughts here. Feel free to vent or ask for advice any time you need to :) 

    Definitely get out and read in the garden if you can! Tomorrow is a new day.

    Thank you!
  • Catkins
    Catkins Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Hope you soon finish your work and chill and enjoy the rest of tbe day/evening.Thank you...Your words made perfect sense..plus i can keep re-reading.Didnt see it like that,made me smile.thats a start.Thank you for your kind words..wen i feel more brighter..i hope i will be able to brighten someones day on here as you did mine.Take care.Linda.xx
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,456 Championing
    Thanks @Catkins! I hope you're day starts to look up too.

    I'm glad it made sense, and that it made you smile :) That made me smile, so that's two things you've achieved already. 

    I look forward to seeing you around, and keep us updated with how you're feeling. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Catkins, I'm currently on 20mg for nerve pain. To begin with it made me very drowsy which would last for most of the day. Now it's not as bad. I take them early evening and still feel drowsy when I wake up, not as bad though. 
  • Catkins
    Catkins Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected

    Thx for replying and apologies for delay mssge.Hope the meds help you despite the drowsiness.Its been 3weeks I now been on them and set my phone alarm for 8pm now so as not to feel too foggy,but early days as yet to see improovement.Just need small motivation...i will do the rest to get on top of this.Take it easy Chloe.
    .luv linda.xx
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @Catkins Great to see you on the community today.  Have you enjoyed much of this sunny weather we have been having?  Remember, we are here whenever you fancy a natter  :)
  • davegregson40
    davegregson40 Online Community Member Posts: 81 Empowering
    Welcome to the community and thats exactly what we are a community, we respect each other and talk openly and focus on the fact that amongst many other things we dont need to be alone. Scope is one of the best community forums that I have been on and the most inclusive
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Catkins

    Just checking in to see how things are going with your meds??

    I do hope that you are enjoying this lovely weather ☀️☀️

  • Catkins
    Catkins Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Hello@Steve51.Nice to hear from and thank you for checking.How are you today?this late sunshine is the best tonic for everyone.I set phone alarm now for 8pm for my meds and find i am not so foggy nxt morning.Hoping gradually my  mood lifts to be able to enjoy the simple things..Taking every day as it comes..Thx again,hope u keep well Steve.Luv Linda.xx
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Catkins

    Many thanks for your post, not to great over the weekend but feeling much better tonight.

    Sorry to hear about your mood is there anything you can help you with???

    I do hope that your meds are going okay?

  • Catkins
    Catkins Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Hello Cher_scope.
    Thank you for your tx and hope you are ok today and enjoyed this late sunshine..as i previously said wen replying to others..its the best tonic for all of us.Having a mooch around the forum yesterday and put ..(thumbs up..liked)after reading some.Its a very welcoming site..wich was daunting at 1st but some lovely lovely people and so kind and uplifting to be welcomed.Take care,keep safe.Luv Linda
  • Catkins
    Catkins Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Hello..Steve_51Sorry that you were unwell but good that you have had a better day.Ups and downs!!2nd week of extra 10mg so i hope to be picking up soon.Great forum..You take care..keep safe and well.Luv Linda.xx
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Catkins

    Thank you very much for your post.

    Yes I am able to eat for the first time for a few days.

    I do hope that your meds start to work???

    Please let me know if there’s anything that I can help you with???
