Reclaiming for PIP AGAIN!



  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Phoned today and my MR is with decision maker! So hopefully not long. If negative which I’m expecting with the MR percentage it will be kelts the same it probably shouldn’t be long? Or doesn’t it matter 
    Am not clear what you mean. What doesn't matter?
  • Floydiee1995
    Floydiee1995 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Contributor
    Hi @calcotti I have just had the MR decision back with the same score of 7 for daily living and 4 for mobility! 

    A part of me wants to give up but I know I need to keep going how do I go about the tribunal process? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You can request the appeal here. you just need to give a brief reason why you disagree with the decision. If you have anything extra send it can be done at a later date.
    You don't need to resend anything that you've already sent because DWP will send that to HMCTS.
    Choosing to either appear in person, telephone or video hearing will give you the best chance of a decision in your favour. I think it's about 70% success rare.
    Paper based hearings have a much less success rate of about 5-8%.

  • Floydiee1995
    Floydiee1995 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Contributor
    Thank you very much @poppy123456 do I need to speak to a welfare specialist before hand? As it’s asking if I want to add a representative 
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,437 Championing
    I'm sorry you have got declined PIP. Good luck with tribunary.
  • MadCow1
    MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Empowering

    Can anyone give me some advice for a friend of mine, please.

    From 2009 my friend has had  Chronic Heart disease.(He's had 2 cardioversions). He is very breathless when walking. He has hypertension too along with serious depression. He's on a variety of medication for his heart, blood pressure, he's also on water tablets.

    He has applied for PIP & been turned down 3 times.

    He also asked his doctor for a fit note for UC,his doctor told him no,there was nothing wrong with him, even though all of this & more is on his medical records.

    So has anyone got any advice on what he could do next,if anything, please.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited January 2023
    @MadCow1 has your friend ever challenged the PIP decision by first requesting the MR? If not then is there any reason for that? To constantly reapply using the same evidence they previous used is likely to see constant refusals so you end up going round in circles.

    If the decision on their most recent PIP was within the past 13 months then they can request the MR by putting it in writing stating where and why they think they should have scored those points. If they are outside the 1 month then they will need to state why they didn't request it within that time. If the MR decision doesn't change they can proceed to Tribunal.

    Same for the work capability assessment decision. They can challenge it by requesting the MR, which they can do on their journal.

    They should also get some expert advice from an agency near them.
  • MadCow1
    MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Empowering
    Hi @poppy123456,

    Thanks for your reply.
    As far as I am aware,he put in an MR. 
    As for UC,the problem stems from the doctor's refusal to give him a fit note
    ( new doctor). His conditions are logged on his journal.

    I think I 'll suggest he gets his medical records,take someone to the doctor's with him & tries to get an appointment with Welfare Rights to advise him.

    He did tick the box on both forms to disclose his medical records to the DWP.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    MadCow1 said:

    He did tick the box on both forms to disclose his medical records to the DWP.
    They very rarely contact anyone for any evidence and it's not the GP responsibility to send any evidence.

  • MadCow1
    MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Empowering
    Hi @poppy123456,

    Yes, that's what I thought, but I thought I would get another opinion, incase I was wrong.


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Can you possibly make an appointment with a different GP at your practice?
  • MadCow1
    MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Empowering

    He's going to try to make an appointment,so I will suggest that.

    I have found him an organisation,in his area, that may help him.