Husband awarded PIP again at review

AngelicaPickles Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
I posted not long ago about out worries that my husband's PIP was up for review and we may lose our severe disability premium as a result, which would leave us not able to manage. He had the assessment in early Feb (from what I recall, my memory isn't great) and got a letter today awarding standard daily living again for 3 years. He doesn't disagree with any of the points or the report. We're really happy. To be fair the assessor was lovely and even at the assesment centre they didn't assume that it was me there for an appointment because I use a wheelchair, they asked first and told him he could leave his hat and coat on if he wanted and didn't think it was odd. I've never had a problem with the process myself,  or ESA, and this is now the 6th face to face assessment where we agree fully with the decision and points made and even the length of the award for the reasons given. I know that this isn't the case for many people and I'm not wishing to show off in any way, more reassure people that there are positive outcomes - even if like in my husband's case you think the worst sometimes. This was hanging over us since lockdown when the award officially ended! I can't put into words how relieved we are that we will be OK for the next couple of years if I'm too unwell to work - my ESA has no review date. My husband is visibly lighter today and said to me he keeps worrying and then remembering he doesn't have to worry any more. I'm able to get a nice birthday cake for my daughter and think about fixing things in our house 😌 


  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    Thank you for posting a positive encounter; it makes a nice change from the doom and gloom merchants on here (that doesn`t mean everyone on here, but there are many).
  • JBS2022
    JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
    My hubby has also never had issues with reassessments for PIP or ESA, people only post the criticisms and never the positives. Congrats on the award definitely makes life slightly easier.
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,437 Championing
    That's amazing news and help others in the same situation as you were back then. How do you feel about your husband getting his PIP award. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Thank you for sharing the results @AngelicaPickles

    I'm so glad you had a lovely assessor and you both feel relieved :) 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Thanks for sharing @AngelicaPickles, I hope you and your husband enjoy the weekend!

    I'm sure what you've shared will be helpful for anyone still in the process of applying for PIP, or even those considering applying, but feeling unsure :) 
  • Breacon
    Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    That's lovely news, delighted, the Stress & worry, has come to an end, for you both.
    Enjoy the cake......
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,437 Championing
    Oh congratulations 
  • JBS2022
    JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
    Congrats at award😀