Times you were really lucky

66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
Does anyone care to share stories from their life of times when they felt they were dealt some exceptionally good luck?

Could be anything like getting a job you weren't totally qualified for, meeting a partner completely by chance, surviving illness or evading injury, winning something. But take skill out of the equation. If you got a job because you really deserved it and were better than everyone else that's not luck!!!

I can't really recall a time in the past where I have been especially lucky. Though, I'm not one of those people who (aside from health) feels that they have bad luck. I think have just plodded through life averagely.


  • Superbetty
    Superbetty Online Community Member Posts: 453 Empowering
    I think in general I am quite lucky in life, but on the other hand, I add a bit to it. I think meeting my partner at the age of 41, when I really lost thope, and was telling myself, you need to prepare yourself that you will be single for the rest of your life. And then meeting not just someone, anyone, but meeting HIM. Someone I was waititng for. We are always telling each other that we are very lucky, and we do appreciate this. 
    On a more funny note - I won £2000 on Postcode lottery, so it was a bit lucky, after playing only for a year!
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Thanks for sharing the story @Superbetty that's really nice to hear.

    Also congrats on the lottery win!!! :)
  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Online Community Member Posts: 770 Championing
    I've been very unlucky to have had lots of accidents but paradoxically lucky with them too.

    Ex 1.  One getting crushed by a falling tree in work ... lucky that it was a tree with branches that don't snap easily so kept most of the weight off me.  Although I thought I was dead when it hit and woke up almost wishing I was when the pain hit.  Was extra lucky to have a free ride in a helicopter 

    Ex 2.  As a passenger in a car that went up a bank, flipped through the air, landed on it's roof and went down the road 100 metres like that ... my hand and arm came out the broken sunroof but because we slid along the kerb ... kept all the weight off me.  Deep lacerations instead of losing an arm.  Extra luck was a brake disk flying from the boot and hitting the back of my seat ... smashed shoulder instead of what could have been.  Plus another free ride in a helicopter  :)

    Too many others to bore people with, but all in all very lucky in life in so many ways, not in health, but hey ho got to be pay off for all the luck when I could not be here

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @WelshBlue thought you'd be along sooner or later...can't decide if you are very lucky or very unlucky!!!! I bet you wouldn't be boring us with other stories though...probably have some very interesting tales to tell.

    I just thought of a relative who must be a strong contender for this thread. On Sep 11th 2001 he had just came out of one of the Twin Towers in New York and was heading toward the other one with the intention of going inside when the first plane hit.
  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Online Community Member Posts: 770 Championing
    @66Mustang ... my Psychologist calls me Unluckily Lucky ... but then she calls me Well Rounded but very broken too lol

    If I was a cat with nine lives ... I'd be in my overdraft ... so I say I'm lucky. 

    I must admit I would go through every scar, surgery and stay in hospital again if it cured my Fibromyalgia.
    No matter the pains and injuries I've had in life ... non compares to the curse of Fibro'

    Your relative must look towards the heavens every 9/11

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    Meeting my current partner was my luckiest moment in my life. I'd just come out of hospital from a serious internal bleed and was still struggling to get around. I was making a lot of changes and improvements to my life to ensure I didn't get in that same situation again. I jokingly went on Tinder, not expecting anything, but they were my first match and we went on a really nice date together. I was so, so nervous as it had been years since I'd dated (depression/mental health issues which led to not looking after myself as well, thus the hospitalisation). 

    We really got on and it's now 5 years later, I couldn't imagine where I'd be without them. I know I'm incredibly lucky.
  • Superbetty
    Superbetty Online Community Member Posts: 453 Empowering
    66Mustang said:
    Thanks for sharing the story @Superbetty that's really nice to hear.

    Also congrats on the lottery win!!! :)
    Ha ha, thank you:-)
  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,071 Championing
    when i was a bit younger and working as a relief milker i was asked to milk a herd of cows on xmas day the cowman forgot to inform me that the bull was with the cows opens up the gates to let the cows out from there winter housing and got a bit of a beating lost a few teeth and was battered black and blue farmer called the police and the poor bull was shot one of many near misses of my farming life keep meaning to write a book 
  • Adeline
    Adeline Online Community Member Posts: 141 Empowering
    There are many things in my life I am grateful for but I don't think I can recount a single time I've felt lucky. 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @woodbine that's a fair wedge of money there in the 30s. Any idea what they did as it must have been a life changing sum.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @Jimm_Scope lovely story thanks for sharing. From what I've read of Tinder from others experiences I would say anyone who has met a genuine and lifelong partner through that website is incredibly lucky!
  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    @66Mustang Honestly we were both very surprised too. Not your typical outcome for Tinder certainly.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @Jimm_Scope hope you have many more happy years together :) 
  • emancherry33
    emancherry33 Online Community Member Posts: 3,640 Trailblazing
    1 occasion fishing off the long gryone at Heingustbury Head started off a calm day . By mid afternoon wind and waves had come up fairly rough. Fishing with a buddy we carried on until the waves started coming over the middle of the gryone and where more persistently going over the middle. We looked at each other and said I think it's time we went to the beach. We grabbed our gear ,bags and bikes and just as we reached the beach end of the gryone 2 enormous waves bashed over and completely covered the gryone. We looked at eachother and just stood there in silence knowing if we had stayed on the end any longer we both would have been swept in and probably goners. I live to tell the tell.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @woodbine thought it would be something like that, must have been a bloody nice house, my grandfather bought a 3 bed semi near London for £600 in the 1930s I believe!!!