i am so lost and confused i find it hard to comuniunucate

Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
I reciecevd no form of help all I know is neglect and Abuse and how suffering affrfecrs you so much I have undiagnosed head injury medical malpractice and they are not willing to amit seruous faings to help disablec person they have passed false info to decive preventing me accessing help and I an frightend and find this hard dont even understand
Please try to understand every thing is hard for me I should have someone trained in helping me to communicate I get no help.
body is required
Please try to understand every thing is hard for me I should have someone trained in helping me to communicate I get no help.
body is required
It's hard to explain Pshychological Torture of a disabled person I have managed to record a disabled persons suffering and how could any human inflicked such horendous suffering in this day and age is beyond me0
I recieve no support refused medical help I can't write letters or understand complex written documentation I an so vulnerable I know it'd wrong how I am being tread but I can't do a thing and the sound reflects the pain0
Only confort is my hidden tent0
I'm probabably pusting in wrong place as I dont Knox what I'm dojng0
Dear Victim_in_need,
Thank you for your post. We have tried to help you in the past when you have contacted us through Twitter and other methods. I think it would be a good idea if you could send us your contact telephone number so that we can talk on the phone and see if we can get you some help where you live.
In order to help you we will need some more in depth information from you.
Please email me on helpline@scope.org.uk with your number and I will arrange to call you.
Kind regards