Malware on Facebook posts!

Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
Malware on FB posts! I clicked on a post that said it would show me six ways to get perfect photos every time. A warning screen promptly came up with a voice message saying that my MacBook Pro's security had been breached, with a phone number to call. The phone number was that of Apple's IT support company who showed me that my laptop's security had been completely destroyed. The company have restored my computer to normal and installed a strong security package which should prevent my computer ever being hacked like that again (I hope!). The package includes any computer support I might need for five years and is transferable. Not cheap but worth it for peace of mind. I am now terrified to click on any seemingly innocent link if I don't know the source even if my computer security is now supposed to be virtually foolproof! So beware of any links you click where you don't know the source!


  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 696 Empowering
    Hi @Matilda, it happen to me before when I wanted to watch online films which where still in cinemas. 
    I needed to call Apple IT but I did not took any package from them at all. 
    It is not the trie that Macs have build up protection in shape of antiviral programs?
    I hope it has :) 

    Have a nice evening. 

  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Hi iza - Apple claim that their inbuilt computer security is very good. But it isn't infallible. The technician who installed my Mac said it was rare for a Mac to be hacked but not impossible.  The engineer I spoke to on the phone today said the same - I was just unlucky.  His company have installed  software that gives extra protection and I'm unlikely to be hacked again.  Have to wait and see!  If it does happen again, I just phone the IT company and they deal with it without further charge.