Autism diagnosis

bobby123 Community member Posts: 253 Empowering
Hi I am waiting for a assesment for autism I applied last January hoping for a quick assesment for my pip application but that never happened.

How long does it take for a autism assesment and is there a quicker way of doing it


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,910 Online Community Coordinator
    Hi there @bobby123 sorry to hear about the wait times, they can be terrible in this country.  The average NHS wait time for an assessment for ASD or ADHD can be up to four years currently. 

     I'd highly recommend looking into 'Right to Choose' which can really speed things up for you. I got my assessment and ASD diagnosis in a little under 8 months via right to choose.  It's super easy to do and gives you a load more freedom with who does your assessment. I cant give any more links really as who you go with very much depends on your location, but Psychiatry UK seem to be a good UK wide choice, but popular will mean a longer wait.

    I hope that helps a bit?  Let us know how you get on. :) 
  • bobby123
    bobby123 Community member Posts: 253 Empowering
    Ok thanks
  • bobby123
    bobby123 Community member Posts: 253 Empowering
    Which one of these is it for adult autism assesment

    Is it adult asc assesment or adult asc assesment (autism spectrum condition) or adult autism

  • bobby123
    bobby123 Community member Posts: 253 Empowering
    Sorry forgot to add @Albus_Scope
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,554 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @bobby123, I don't think we're going to be able to answer that I'm afraid. It's a very confusing list of options as at least three of them seem to be for the same thing, and we wouldn't want to give you the wrong information or add to your waiting time. Are you able to ask the provider which one you should be selecting? 
  • bobby123
    bobby123 Community member Posts: 253 Empowering
    Ok I will ring them on Monday.

    It's the UK psychiatry link you gave me.
    Do you know if they have any near Birmingham.
    Also what happens in a autism assessment 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,355 Online Community Specialist
    bobby123 said:
    Ok I will ring them on Monday.

    It's the UK psychiatry link you gave me.
    Do you know if they have any near Birmingham.
    Also what happens in a autism assessment 
    I have not had an autism assessment, but I have had an ADHD assessment. There are some similarities between the examinations, but there will be differences.

    Generally they will go through the history of your life. Especially as a child, they'll want to hear experiences and difficulties you had and more. The NHS has a page about Autism assessments that you can read here: What happens during an autism assessment - NHS (
  • bobby123
    bobby123 Community member Posts: 253 Empowering
    Ye thanks
    I got switched over to psychiatry UK today.

    Will see how long it takes now.

    I will read this information
  • Bravers
    Bravers Scope Member Posts: 10 Connected
    best of luck
  • loopylisa
    loopylisa Community member Posts: 6 Listener

    Hello sorry to be nosey but we're you previously a undiagnosed adult on the spectrum as could do with help on how to understand if I am or am not as I have always had say we say strange traits and growing up found different ways to hide and cope with different things. I tended to watch people round me to see how they behaved and that came with its own challenges as I was easily lead. Sorry to waffle but nervous as I don't really share these things with anyone.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,910 Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @loopylisa this discussion is a fairly old one, so the OP may not reply. But I'm happy to answer any questions you may have, I'm late diagnosed ASD at the age of 43. 😁

  • bobby123
    bobby123 Community member Posts: 253 Empowering

    Yes I was undiagnosed, I see my cpn every month and she suggested I may have autism so I went to my doctor's who gave me a questionnaire to fill out then through right to choose I went with UK psychiatry who said it will take around 6-8 months for my appointment