UC migration

PeachyAna90 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Contributor


My husband (who is my full time carer) and I recently received Migration notices to go onto UC. I'm currently on PIP (high on both parts), he is on Carers Allowance and Income Support and obviously I'm concerned about this whole thing. What paper work will be both need? Will I need to go to the Doctor for a note even though I'm on PIP? If anyone can give me some answers I'd be grateful. I did post this in another part of the forum as I didn't see this part.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing

    You will need to make sure you claim UC before the date in the letter. Once you claim UC your Income Support (and housing benefit if you claim it) will continue for 2 weeks and then stop.

    You will both need to start a claim and then one of you will receive a linking code to join both claims together.

    Your husband will need to make sure he reports being your carer and your UC will include carers element. Carers allowance will be deducted in full from your UC. As a carer he will have no work commitments but maybe expected to attend his local job centre for his first appointment.

    For yourself you will need make sure you report your health condition and provide a fit note within 7 days. You must continue to provide fit notes without any gaps until a decision is made on your work capability assessment. Claiming PIP doesn't automatically entitle you to Limited capability for work. You will be treated as a job seeker until a decision is made on your WCA. It's a work coaches discretion to either turn off or reduce commitments, some do and others don't.

  • PeachyAna90
    PeachyAna90 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Contributor

    Thank you very much for your help

  • PeachyAna90
    PeachyAna90 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Contributor

    What does carers allowance deduction mean? Also with the fit note does that mean each fit note lasts 7 days? It's quite confusing.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing

    Carers allowance deduction means it's deducted in full from UC. This is the same for Income Support, it's deducted in full and carers allowance is then paid separately. Your UC will include carers element but your husband must report being your carer when he claims.

    A fit note lasts for as long as your GP provides it for. The 7 days just means that when you report a health condition, it's self certified for 7 days but you must provide a fit note within that time. If you don't provide a fit note then it can affect when the extra money is paid from, if found to have Limited Capability For Work Related Activity, (LCWRA)

    Also if your UC includes any Transitional Protection (TP) this reduces over time, which means that if other elements increase or you become entitled to other elements, the TP reduces until such a time it erodes completely. This means that once a decision is made on your WCA if found to have LCWRA and your UC includes TP then this will erode and could erode completely, depending on how much TP you're entitled to.