Returning to work after ESA

Scoop1976 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected

Hi people. I am looking to return to work. I've been offered a job that will suit my disability. It means that I would have to become self employed though. How do I go about letting ESA know. I'm desperate to get back to work and this will be a great opportunity for me. My only concern is that if my disability gets worse and I have to give it up, do i have to make a new claim from scratch regarding ESA?
Any advice would be great.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    You can do permitted work but it must be less than 16 hours per week and earn a maximum of £183.50/week. You must tell ESA you’re working and will need to fill out a PW1 form.

    If your earnings will be more than the weekly amount you could claim Universal Credit before you start work. If you’re in the Support Group for ESA then you’ll be entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim. You will also have the work allowance which means that a certain amount of earnings received each month will be ignored before deductions apply. Use a benefits calculator to check entitlement.

    If your ESA stops and its Income Related ESA you’re claiming then you won’t be able to reclaim this and it will be UC. You would then need to go through the work capability assessment process again.

    If your ESA is either New style or the old contributions based and you decide you’re unable to continue to work within 12 weeks you can reclaim as part of the 12 week linking rule and would not need another WCA.

  • Scoop1976
    Scoop1976 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected

    Hi Poppy, thanks for the quick reply. I'll look into what you've suggested. Really apreciate your knowledge.