UC Claim review - HELP



  • una620
    una620 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    just had my interview for universal credit they say it’s to make sure you’re getting the correct amount of money it’s a load of tosh they even asked me about my money and to justify it which they are not supposed to do I can spend my money how I like and then expecting me to answer about a payment I made in January it’s just stressing me out they make you feel like you’re a criminal I have vocal palsy and couldn’t hardly talk they’re just snooping we all know we’re getting the right amount of money

  • una620
    una620 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    that’s correct like you I gamble for as long as you don’t have savings more than 6k they can’t tell you how to spend your money it’s up to you it’s like an interrogation what they put us through

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,582 Championing

    I didn't like being questioned about my spending either, unfortunately these checks are part of the conditions for claiming UC.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,582 Championing

    UC compliance check, rather than it being an interview after going over 6k then back under.


  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering

    So if you have capital and savings, you should always report it at the end of every assessment period each month, incase your current account, capital and savings are over 6k.

    Have I got that right?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,582 Championing

    You only need to report a change if you go over 6k.

    And things like Cost of Living payments are disregarded.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Online Community Member Posts: 145 Contributor

    I got contacted on April 2 and sent everything, and I'm still waiting. it's been nearly 6 weeks now. how long does it take.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Online Community Member Posts: 145 Contributor

    Hi have you had any update ? Mine has been 10 weeks now

  • unclebob
    unclebob Online Community Member Posts: 145 Contributor
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You said yesterday it was nearly 6 weeks. I don’t believe there are any timescales for this after the review.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Online Community Member Posts: 145 Contributor

    Yes i know and did try changing it but wont let me

  • bigbird777
    bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    COL, is this money like pip, and housing benefit? Or general day to day spending. I'm confused. I've been asked to take statements in to job centre. Is this normal? Does pip backdated payment count as savings? I've not been in job centre a long time as walking problems, so always talk on phone appointments. I'm feeling sick now worrying what they're going to ask etc after reading lots of posts here. I buy the odd lottery ticket and rarely a bingo game. Sold some of my clothes online. Does this all get asked about? Thankyou

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    CoL payments are the extra money that was given by the Government last year and the year before. It’s not PIP or housing benefit.

    PIP backdated money is disregarded for 1 year. Any benefits that are unspent at the end of the period they are paid for is counted as savings. Anything you sell is counted as savings, not income.

  • bigbird777
    bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    Ok thankyou.

  • bigbird777
    bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    Ok thankyou. Vinted money I get from selling lots of my clothes as lost lots of weight. It's in one hand and out the other so not in bank long as paying bills and living costs as rent high so nothing left Is it counted as savings? Although it's not saved?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Items you sell is treated as savings. If you have no savings there's nothing to count.

  • bigbird777
    bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener


  • summersunflower
    summersunflower Online Community Member Posts: 81 Connected

    can i ask what sort of questions? and were they ok with you doing this? as i use cash for almost everything (about to be moved over to UC)

  • Gravy
    Gravy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener


    I recently had to send 4 statements in to UC, my partner too, we're both in ill health for different reasons, I have the limited capability thing and pip on top of my UC claim.

    It's been nearly 2 months since I sent the statements and they've just left a message in my journal saying we have phone interviews with an agent, half an hour apart from each other, him first then me.

    I'm absolutely terrified, nauseous with anxiety and spiralling with thoughts of all the worst things that could happen.

    The only extra money I have coming in is the housekeeping my older son gives me, he's lived with me all his life and was even on UC himself for two months at my address until he got a job through their apprentice scheme so they know he lives here and I'm damn sure I put him on the list of people here when applying.

    I'm just worried they'll say his housekeeping is an earning and I've committed fraud by having it. His money goes towards the food and the fast broadband he needs for when he's working from home. I never even thought about it before they asked for the statements. It never occurred to me it could be seen as wrong.

    Our appts are the 31 Oct. I dont know how I'm going to deal with this until then. My anxiety is already horrendous on top of the long covid I have and this is making it so much worse.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Housekeeping from your son is not treated as earnings, it will be capital. If you have less than £6,000 in capital this is ignored and will not affect your benefits.

    If they ask, just tell them it's from your son for his share of the bills in your home.