How is your day going?



  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead

    Sounds like a morning in my house @Sandy_123! Before the summer holidays started we stocked up on snacks and the cupboard already seems to be empty!

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead

    Good morning @alisonnetty931, thank you for the cheerful greeting.

    Good morning @Teigr, what's happening with your WiFi?

    Many thanks @Lou67 and good morning to you too. It's getting pretty warm here already too, hung some bed sheets out an hour ago and they're already dry.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing


    Oh it’s great to get bedding out i love it it’s so fresh, I’m easy pleased today 😂
    I’ve got plans now I’m going to meet my daughter and grandkids at the park she’s watching my sons daughters for a few hours so they’ll be there to.


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    have a good day @Lou67

    My grandaughter has made a new freind in the mirror and sat talking to it most the morning, I mean not freaky at all 🙄

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead

    Aww, that’s adorable, @Sandy_123! My eldest used to do similar, it was cute to begin with!

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    Freaky I think lol they've all gone home now, been helping with the weeding. Chill time

  • Schildpad
    Schildpad Community member Posts: 51 Contributor

    i did not sleep well yesterday. i hope the medicine keeps working. because if it is starting to wear off.. will be a pity. will see tonight. but i am also on a high amounts of stress, my anxiety is dire so i am not sure. i only hope i will sleep tonight. i will see.. i woke up three or four times. i as up at 5 a.m. and at some point i felt asleep but was back up at 9 am. so it could have been worse but waking up four times or so it was not normal.. anyway. fingers crossed i will sleep tonight.

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,352 Championing

    It keeps cutting out @Adrian_Scope and it only works in half the house;it's been off for a couple of hours today.

  • alisonnetty931
    alisonnetty931 Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    My fibromyalgia is kick my ass. But I've took pills. I'm resting now but I have to do some housework tomorrow. Hope you all have a good evening 🌆 👍💯🤗💜🙏🇬🇧

  • Nicebrit
    Nicebrit Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    Sorry to hear, mine has been playing up since September, it had been manageable for years up until last Sept..

  • Nicebrit
    Nicebrit Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    I get nights like that, I have meds to help me relax, but doesn't always work.. Hope you get some sleep tonight

  • Nicebrit
    Nicebrit Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    Managed to give the grass a haircut today, did struggle thou.

    Hoping for a chilled night.And possibly woods tomorrow as it's going to be another hot one.

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 834 Championing

    Evening everyone, just got back home from holiday. I'm so tired just been on a coach for 9 hours from 8 this morning and been up since half 5. But had a really lovely time with my nan. Sorry not posted anything I had a complete internet break (As I'm on it all day everyday usually) so feel so mentally refreshed now.

    On another note I don't know how I feel at the moment of the new forum, it doesn't seem very user friendly and for some reason is hurting my eyes and making me cross eyed trying to read things.

    Hope you are all having a lovely day in this weather.

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 834 Championing
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead

    I tried to enlist my kids to help with the weeding and they weren't having any of it. You'll have to tell me what magic you used!

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    Well Adrian I give them a pound for sweets or for there money boxes. It does work, as when 1 doesn't help and see their brother n sister get some money, then they hate it lol. That's one incentive the other is some chocolate hiding in the cupboard.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    @rubin16 love the photos looks a lovely place I bet your tired after all that travelling

    @Nicebrit well done for doing the lawns

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead

    I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight @Schildpad.

    That's frustrating @Teigr, mine can be temperamental and we used to have the issue with it only working in part of the house. Have you tried a signal booster?

    @WebWaves, if you can't see any visible damage it's probably fine. Does the screen look okay once you load it up? I'm sorry you had an argument with your sister. Have the two of you patched things up?

    Have a good evening @alisonnetty931 and best of luck with the housework tomorrow. Take it easy and go slow and steady!

    Well done @Nicebrit, I was supposed to mow the lawn today but it was too hot for me so I've put it off again. Last time I did it I forgot my hat and ended up with sunburn on the top of my head. Oops! I hope you have a chilled evening.

    A 9 hour coach journey sounds intense @rubin16, but the holiday and internet break sound lovely. Sorry you're not getting on with the new theme just yet, is there any specific you're finding to be not user-friendly or that's difficult to read?

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 834 Championing

    I'm going to give it a few days to adjust, I don't like change and like routines so I think thats mainly my problem before I pass true judgement on it. Hopefully it grows on me the more I use it, sometimes I don't give things a chance.