
Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

Woke up today feeling hopeless looking around my home thinking its only a matter of time! Ten months of gripping anxiety despair moments of I've got this to days of depression anxiety trying to think of ways to survive if I was playing the system or a scrounger I would be able to go out in the real world and work I know people say give labour a chance I'm worried more about kier starmer than I was sunak we have been treated absolutely appalling used as a tool by tories to get votes and much more ignored in labours manifesto is there anything we can do anything? T


  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @Catherine21 The only thing that we can do is wait and hope for a miracle. We are all sadly in the same boat, and you need to find something positive to concentrate on, it is the last few days of having Sunshine if you can call it that, so you have to enjoy those last few moments before we get into Winter. If you have a garden or a park near by, get some sunshine and try and concentrate on something else for a little bit.

    Trust me, when I say that you are not alone in your feelings, I started gambling in the past month, a bad mistake on my part as I lost money that I could not afford to lose, but that was desperation of thinking that if I could gamble every day and make a small profit it will pay for the rent and keep a roof over my head if things go bad with Labour.

    Get some sun, or even just fresh air, even if that is opening a window and poking your head out of the window. If you cannot leave where you live, at least sit by the window and people watch. If you have people that pass by your home.

    I am not sure what age you are, but I am coming up to my middle 50's, every day is special and precious as long as you get out of bed, it is when you don't wake up, that is when you should be having a whinge. You are better off than the thousands of people who did not wake up this morning. Try and always have something positive to think about.

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 940 Championing

    Catherine, I understand you are feeling anxious, but it is important to reconsider some of your assumptions. Many people receiving PIP, including myself, are working; the benefit is designed to help with disability related costs, regardless of employment status.

    Everyone, employed or not, shares concerns about potential government reforms and the upcoming October budget. Even working individuals worry about affording their homes, feeding their children, and finding extra money to cover increases in bills. Employment does not shield anyone from policy changes.

    I must challenge your blanket statements about 'scroungers' or 'playing the system' - these are unfair and hurtful, as they stigmatise those who rely on vital assistance. It is important to approach these discussions with empathy and understanding.

    Catherine, I genuinely sympathise with what you are going through, but assuming that if you were not disabled and could get a job, these worries would not affect you is not accurate. Working brings its own set of challenges, and no one, working or disabled, is immune to the impact of policy changes.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    I'm 52 so up and down sorry to hear you started gambling o totally understand I had a drink which I had to give up sober for two years I know right I was thinking can I rent out my spare room obviously I'd still lose money but going back to unhealthy habits is going to change anything I don't smoke gave up 5 years ago and can see all the control element of what the labour proposing I always think outside the box been saying oneday at a time for last 10 months especially thanks for message

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Thats very true I didn't think about people who work I forget even my daughter who brought her own flat in 2022 on her own all by herself is in corporate world and hates it is struggling now I become very unfocused and to a point selfish I really appreciate your advice brings me back to reality thankyou

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    I havy anxiety and depression so severe that they do not respond to any medication or any therapy and the GP has to simply check on me as we both hope I can always ride it out.

    My mum is my only family and she is also.my carer, she's dangerously unwell and likely won't be here in 3-6 years and then I'm literally on my own.

    I'm autistic and mute with anyone I don't know, can't interact except online and can't look afty myself because of impaired memory, judgement, concentration and coordination.

    So I worry 24/7 to the point i throw up about

    Mums health

    Losing her

    My future

    This budget.

    And how I can escape the lot.

    It's constant torture, like being trapped in a cage with no way out of it.

    I really understand. I'm beginning to wonder of the government actually enjoys all this, keep throwing out poisonous rhetoric and vague gibberish alongside cryptic games.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @Catherine21 You are not selfish, no one is selfish because we all have to deal with things, sometimes on our own. You are very lucky that you have a daughter, and that is something to be positive about, as long as you have a good relationship.

    A lodger might be a bad thing, and also potentially dangerous, so use that as a get out of jail card free, rather than putting it into action if you do not need to.

    I certainly would not want anyone sharing my home, and I do not trust people so my home is always me myself and I 24/7 365.

    You could however, just to give you an idea

    1. Talk to your daughter and have her as a lodger
    2. The daughter becomes a landlady and rents out her property
    3. It is money that she could look at as an investment, short term leases and charging more than the mortgage costs, but that depends upon what area you are in.

    You have a lot of negatives about getting some random stranger in your home as a lodger, rent not being paid for one, I could list all the more serious reasons why you would not want a stranger in your home for. However, too early in the morning to start depressing someone, but think of all the worse case scenario's that you can think of, why you would not want to have a lodger for.

    However, talk to your daughter about her becoming your lodger, she might like the idea, she might hate the idea, but a far safer alternative than a random stranger.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    II'm So sorry to hear this yes you hit the nail on the head they do it to scare monger I've been unemployed for over ten years never engaged in media politics never so when people say Tony Blair years I was unaware carried on as normal and I was good now if I engaged I would be exactly as I am today I've allowed myself to be toyed with I understand no meds and therapy work I'm same had years of therapy I'm so sorry for you must be incredibly hard I find this group very understanding I come on here often lol everyday no one judges my spelling or rambling always here for you x

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    I know I couldn't have a lodger I have body dismorphia and can just about handle my daughter seeing me I did suggest that she was no offence but hell no yes we are extremely close she spent years saving for deposit bless her the other idea is down size would break my heart don't like change been here 22 years I will gage that after October hope you have a relaxing peaceful day

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing
  • kc1978
    kc1978 Online Community Member Posts: 88 Empowering

    @Catherine21 Someone recently reminded me why worry about things that maybe. It's a lot of energy wasted on what if's buts and maybes. Hopelessness is such a powerful emotion, but remember even when it may seem hopeless to us, there are individuals, groups and communities like this one, that will fight and not lose hope when things do happen.

    When we lose hope, it's the hope of others who are able and willing to fight the system and injustices we face who will keep those politicians accountable and ensure voices and opinions are heard.

    It sometimes seems as a solitary voice it's hopeless, but listen to the strength and the voices who are fighting. Those people who speak out, share their hopes that a single voice may be drowned out, but as a group we disabled people can find strength and volume in numbers and we will not be forgotten, we have rights and we voted for a better future. Sir Kier will be held to account because they will face us in future elections, but also through organisations like SCOPE who are the daily voice and are supporting and fighting for us daily.

    It's hard I know sometimes to find hope, so try find faith. Faith in knowing know matter how it seems your not alone! You have those in the online community, family who are there and have hope that a difference can be made.

    Probably sounds very corny, but as someone who also faces fears, anxiety and my own negativity. 🙏 I found some comfort knowing, that the challenges we may face, we will face with others we are not alone and we should only lose hope, when it happens and the fight for change is lost. We may feel the injustice of political parties, but they will have to face us, a community that may appear individually weak at times, but a community that together can be strong, loud and willing to support each other!

    That is my Hope !🙏

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Very powerful !! Exactly this x i always say to my daughter if you don't have hope you have noting Yes faith and hope it's true don't lose sight 🙏 thankyou this is why I love this group appreciate you all

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 261 Empowering

    I am so sorry you are feeling unsure of your future, it is very unsettling when you can only see darkness ahead but things we don't expect can sometimes bring a whole new perspective to our outlook. You are one of the most positive people on here usually and your calm advice has helped me several times. So thank you and wish you well

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing