Switch from esa support to uc

kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected
edited September 13 in Benefits and income

I had letter to switch from esa to uc I have now done this online.done All the to do list.now had a message to say I have to go to the jobcentre in 2 weeks.I have read you have to do a commitment appointment.Thats fine but I haven't had what I need to take with me to this and my Anxiety is so bad thinking of this appointment.I did message them but no reply


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,857 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @kiamarie, sorry you're feeling stressed out by this appointment. How long ago did you send the message?

    Hopefully they'll be able to get back to you soon and get it all sorted out 😊

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing


    You shouldn't need to take anything for the commitment appointment. That one is literally just agreeing to your commitments, but it can be done online.

    Has your ID been verified online? If not, I would expect this to be the ID appointment. For that one you need to take a bank card and proof of housing costs as well as photographic and address ID proof.

  • kiamarie
    kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected

    Hi Rosie messaged them yesterday still no reply and also the other person who commented on here my id was verified online and said that was all fine.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,857 Online Community Coordinator

    Sometimes they can take a few days to reply @kiamarie, but hopefully they'll get back to you soon. As Overly Anxious says, for a commitments appointment you might not need to bring anything with you anyway 😊

  • kiamarie
    kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected

    No one got back to me but had a too do list u have done that but saying about cv and what worked i looked for.what jobs I would like to do for work.so I didn't fill that part out will that be ok so stressed out my heads spinning with it all.h

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Community member Posts: 532 Empowering

    That is because the UC system hasn't talked to ESA yet (it can take a few weeks).

    It's quite usual for the system to spit out odd messages that don't apply to you in the initial stages of the claim, while various parts catch up with each other.

    Pop a note on your journal stating you get ESA in the Support Group.

    Also state this at your commitments appointment, take along any letters you have as proof.

  • rosenove
    rosenove Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    I'm awaiting my migration notice, I'm on esa support group ....

    does everyone have to got to a commitment meeting ?

    I'm housebound and about to have major surgery. Would I be able to have a home visit instead ?

    I didn't know support group -lcwra had to go for any meetings....I'm so confused and worried.......can someone explain this process please ?

    as I'm trying to be prepared because I have so much going on with my ill health .

  • kiamarie
    kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected

    Thankyou for your reply i did pit a note in my journal to say I am in support group.And I didn't no what I had to put in the part about looking for work. I been messed about with rent ect too but finally got that sorted.why can't it just be straight forward so complicated

  • kiamarie
    kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected

    I am in support group I been moved over to uc I have an appointment in 2 weeks to go to the job centre.so I am not to sure if you would be the same as me all very confusing and stressful we should just be moved over as we are already in receipt of benefits making people ill and sit with no money for 5 weeks shocking when you have children too.i am sure someone can answer you better than me

  • rosenove
    rosenove Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    Thankyou kiamarie....keep us updated on how the appointment goes. X


  • rosenove
    rosenove Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    Just read on citizen advice about 'reasonable adjustments'...so if I'm called to jcp, I will ask for phone interview or home visit.

  • rosenove
    rosenove Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    Also I'm not sure if I hvae any esa letters. I thought the dwp would have our info on their systems about what groups we are in etc....even though it takes a while for the system to apparently 'right itself'.

    Hope you're OK @kiamarie.…I'm so sorry you are going through all this stress...xxx

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing
    edited September 16

    Everyone does have to accept their commitments, however they can be accepted online. But everyone also has to verify ID first. Generally this is done at a Job Centre visit, though you can request a home visit for this instead, that shouldn't be a problem.

    As you're currently in the ESA Support Group, do not get a fit note when asked to do so, just put a message in the journal to remind them that you're migrating from the Support Group and are therefore entitled to LCWRA from the start of your claim.

    ESA will eventually tell UC which group you were in so you don't need any letters to prove that to them.

  • kiamarie
    kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected

    I did have appointment on the 26th September had a message today it's been cancelled.Then a message saying to sign my commitments.so does that mean I may not have to go to the jobcentre?And trying to prove my son is my son is mind blowing they are asking me if I have a signed agreement.So strange why would I he my son.my rent also been a nightmare.really hope I am not going to be messed around anymore so stressful

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing

    If that was the commitments appointment, then it sounds like they have changed it to allow you confirm commitments online instead. Have you accepted the commitments now?

  • kiamarie
    kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected

    Yes I have accepted the commitments now so not sure what will happen now

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing

    That's good. That should be the last hurdle before getting UC payments.

    You can have a look at the 'payments' section online to see if you've got a statement generated in there. Just be aware the first statement may not be completely correct if they haven't had enough time to get your old info from ESA yet.

  • kiamarie
    kiamarie Community member Posts: 16 Connected

    Thankyou There still waiting to get all my information about my old benefits I had a message in my journal. So case of just waiting now and keep checking to see if they send me anything else I will have to do