DWP investigation

lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

I had a scheduled Compliance interview yesterday with the DWP. My Mum died in March and her property was held in a trust that I was not part of and did not benifit from. Someone called the fraud helpline and told them I had money in a trust from Mum's estate. This is a spiteful vindictive act and a deformation of character. The interviewer accused me of having the money until he clearly understood my distress and now we have to send the trust documents and our bank statements. The call was anonymous but clearly someone who knew about the trust. It has severely affected my mental health and it's hard to have been accused of being a liar by the DWP. He said he was only doing his job but the way he did it was very distressing and I'm not sure whether I should complain. Whoever did this clearly aimed this at me not knowing how it would affect us as a couple.



  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hi @lizptsd, that sounds awful. Can I ask a bit more about the interview itself if that is okay? If you don't want to go over it I understand, but you say they outright accused you of having the money? How was this worded? Again if it's too much to go over then do not worry about it. I am glad they understood your distress and finally understood what was happening.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Hi, He asked me if my Mother had died in May, I replied that she had died in March, he said I had money in a trust from her estate I said I didn't. He said I did. He didn't offer up any evidence as the phonecall received was obviously hearsay. I said the trust was in my 3 Brother's names and I wasn't included. He asked why I wasn't included and wasn't I bothered. I explained that we had had too much going on and that we didn't want anymore bother. He realised I was clearly distraught and then kept on apologising saying he was only doing his job.

    We now have to send the trust documents and our bank statements. As this is deformation of character but by an anonymous caller to the fraud department we will never find out who did this. We have to send statements right back from January 2024.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Hi, I've had a terrible time since the interview last Wednesday I'm not sleeping and my PTSD symptoms are really bad. My recall of the interview was a bit hazy when I posted last Thursday but the gist was he asked me if he could call me Elizabeth and then asked me about my Mother's Death and said I had the money in a trust. I said I didn't and then he said ' but Elizabeth you do'. He was aware of my my mental and physical health issues but this was done in a very intimidating manner and obviously false. We now have an idea of who made the phone call which is slander. I feel very dizzy and unwell my IBS is terrible and I feel more unsteady than before. I don't think I can cope with any scrutinising interviews after he receives the trust documents and bank statements. We haven't done anything wrong and surely he should have waited for evidence rather going on the callers accusations.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    💜💛 you don't deserve or need this, I'm truly sorry.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Thank you it's just that we don't know whether to complain or not as to how it was handled. It's all such a mess. It's awful to think someone is out there revelling in our distress.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Sorry to hear it's affecting you so much @lizptsd I know how badly stress can effect PTSD. If you feel you could manage to complain, I'd definitely think about doing so, that's a horrible situation to be put in and the DWP could've dealt with it much better.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    I don't know where to start as we know we should complain. I'm not feeling very strong at all but we know it will help others if we do. I don't know the process. I just don't want to feel like this the stress is affecting both of us. My Husbands diabetes is all over the place.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    If you wanted to put in a complaint, here's a link that'll talk you through the steps. Have you got anyone who could support you through it?

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    We have a good friend who could support us. He started a Mental health support group due to the long wait for help from the NHS and Minds. He knows about what's been happening and we will approach him. Thank you for the link and as always thank you for all your support.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    as reports can be anonymous and usually are,they can't prosecute, so more lip service by the dwp to save themselves doing anything of good or use.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing

    This is a difficult situation because the people who genuinely are guilty will lie about it and pretend to be upset. The interviewers do need to be firm and forceful because they don't know who is lying and who is genuine. Their job is to work that out.

    Personally I'm terrible with confrontation so I do appreciate how bad it makes people feel though I'm not sure there is any good to come from making a complaint. The interviewers can't be any less forceful and still do their job effectively. And if this was triggered by an anonymous phone call then they won't be able to interview or prosecute the caller either. It may be best just to draw a line under it and move on in this case. I know that's easier than said than done though.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    It's just awful for us both and we are not up for the scrutiny of how we spend our benefits . We had only just settled down after a terrible 3 years and finding out that they cannot give me surgery for my Cervical and Lumbar Stenosis. I've lost a great deal of feeling in my upper and lower limbs. Now someone malicious does this.

    Can we ask for someone to support us if we are further interviewed as we would like someone to help us.

    It really concerns me that the trust is a complicated legal document and could take ages to decipher, we haven't got a clue what it means only that we are not in it.

    It's difficult enough with us both being disabled to have our quality of life poked into.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing

    Do you have a local disability advice service? They may be able to offer personal support for another interview.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    I'm going to look into it and also contact our Adult Disability Services for some advice. It's so hard having to go over everything again.

    My mood hasn't been as dark as this for sometime.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    That's awful everyone's worst nightmare and who would be so bitter to do such a thing so sorry this happened its sounds like police integration

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Thank you, we've spent all day printing off bank statements and photocopying the trust documents. It's cost a fortune in paper and printer inks, not to mention the special next day delivery costs to make sure it gets there on time. It was never taken in to consideration that I was grieving for my mum instead of thinking I'd profited from her death by inheriting thousands. No appolgy is enough.

    Let's hope there is such a thing as karma.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Sorry I can't imagine losing my mum and this happening oh yes I believe in karma what a nasty world we live in Sorry for your loss I hope this gets resolved ASAP sending love ❤️

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Thank you so much it's much appreciated by us both ♥️🥰

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing
  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Thank you again we will try 🙏♥️