Tribunal pending

Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

hello all.
i have my tribunal next Friday.
I have opted for video call. My tribunal is due to mandatory reconsideration not being accepted and they want me to start looking for work.
I suffer with very bad panic attacks and anxiety and since my letter has come through it has increased. I know it’s probably just the fear of the unknown.
Can anyone offer any advice on what to expect? My head is just all over the place and im thinking of just pulling out all together.
Any advice is so appreciated. Im getting myself into such a state.
thank you


  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

    my work coach has. Advised he really thinks I should do it? But he has no offer info about tribunal

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,934 Championing

    Hi @Dan88 I do not have an answer for you regarding what to expect from your tribunal as it is not something I have ever had. I have answered as I did not want you to think you were being ignored. I am sure tomorrow when all the Scope team are back you will get an answer.

    As your work coach has said if at all possible you do need to do this. We all fear the unknown.

    Please take care of yourself and good luck.

  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

    @Bluebell21 thank you for your kindness x

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,934 Championing

    Hi @Jimm_Scope Are you able to help this member? Thank you.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,805 Championing


    The tribunal is generally made up of 3 people sitting at a table (the judge, a disability specialist and someone from the DWP). The judge is there to listen to both sides of the case, they are impartial and not linked to DWP at all.

    They will just ask you a few questions about your capability to work. If you haven't already looked at the criteria for LCWRA then I would recommend doing that so you know which parts you need to focus on. Link below:

    Who goes into the Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity (LCWRA) group and how?

    I don't wish to add any more anxiety to the situation but I would consider how you could manage if you don't go to the tribunal, don't look for work, and then potentially end up losing entitlement to UC altogether. The tribunal really is in your best interest if you can manage it.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,200 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Dan88 sorry to hear you're finding things so difficult, it's not a nice process to go through. The link OverlyAnxious has posted is well worth a read so you can explain to them what difficulties you're facing.

    Is there anyone who could be with you during your tribunal to help support you? A close family member or friend?

    Sometimes it can help to write things down so that you feel more prepared for their questions. Just having a few notes about what you'd like to say can be helpful if you find yourself struggling to answer their questions.

    I don't think it's the same for everyone, but I find that sometimes if I sit down and do something practical to prepare for something that's making me anxious, it can help me feel more in control of the situation. Even if it's just preparing a few quick notes each day or reading about the criteria. Might be worth a try if you think that would work for you, but everyone is different so try not to put yourself under pressure 😊

    Fingers crossed that it all goes well!

  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

    thank you all for your comments. It’s just very difficult for me to cope with the unknown.
    having a little feedback in what to expect has made me feel better.
    I have my mum who is going to sit with me. And my work coach.. is fantastic he’s such a kind man. So understanding and companionate.
    i was moved to his case load from a different coach who was not as helpful. I’m going to go ahead and see what the outcome is. And make a decision from there.
    my work coach has given me the assurance that the judge is impartial and will understand my struggles and my anxiety. I have everything written down to explain my points of what I disagree with.
    not going to pressure myself.
    hopefully they revoke the decision. My pip is also for another 3 years.
    thank you all for your support