Wheelchair and mobility scooter storage

allisonanderson46 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

Hi, I have been told by my council I cannot have my wheelchair and my husbands mobility scooter where it has been for the past 3 years in the common area in our block of flats even though they are totally not in the way of the doors or access to get out in any way. They have said we need to bring them upstairs to our flat which is 1 storey up. Impossible for us or we wouldn't need them in the first place. My question is can they refuse us to have a small storage unit like you would have for garden tools etc outside our block of flats. If not this will make both of us housebound. Is this not discrimination if they refuse ? We are willing to pay for said unit ourselves how do we go about getting some help on this . Thanks


  • egister
    egister Posts: 756 Empowering

    Hello! It's sad that you are treated like this. I hope you can get some advice here.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,915 Championing

    There are strict rules about personal structures in communal gardens, unfortunately your rights might not come first in this situation so not discrimination if they refuse.

    The current location might have been deemed a fire risk or broken the rule about personal items being left in communal areas.

    I'd encourage you to reach out to a local organisation who can help advise you.


    You could also try reaching out to a local councillor or your MP.

  • allisonanderson46
    allisonanderson46 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    We got our official letter that they were to be removed immediately. So we have moved them to outside , chained together and covered with waterproof cover . Also ordered a wheel clamp . Waiting on housing officer to call back so I can ask if we are allowed a garden storage shed type of thing. This isn't a permanent.structure so I don't think we need planning permission . Will see and fingers crossed they don't get stolen

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,915 Championing

    You wouldn't need planning permission, but as I said they are generally strict in communal gardens about personal items that would include storage for your mobility aids.

    As a shared garden you all have equal rights, if a shed was allowed for you then that takes away space for the other tenants use.

    I'm not meaning to be unsympathetic, I wish you luck and hope you are successful, I live in a block of flats myself so I know how strict the rules can be.

  • allisonanderson46
    allisonanderson46 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    There is absolutely loads of room for one. There's all our wheelie bins out there already and there's a huge piece of ground at the back of our block ,so will see what happens . It's the council that removed our storage areas that were out the back in the first place

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 731 Championing

    I hope you get your request for a storage shed approved, preferably one with enough room for you to dry down your machine.

    I have to take my class 3 scooter into my living room, it isn't exactly a compact size!

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 887 Trailblazing

    My regular big powerchair is in the lounge, we lost the use of the lift for 15+ months, some of that was planned to renew it totally. But, we were 4 1/4 months without, before the start date, because of water had got in after the storms. So instead of starting the renewal, it was sat, useless. I contacted the council on receipt of the first advisory letter, re me paying for a storage shed outside. They never replied, so I went to a local councillor, she stayed in touch, but couldn't get an answer. She then involved another councillor who was on the health & community board, nowt!

    I have a inside shed, but the security door frame to get to it is too narrow for my powerchair. I eventually got a call from the person that should have responded in the first place & the answer was a firm no, this came after the lift had been closed for months. My independence gone! 🤬 In the end, I got a storage shed & kept it at my sister's, but I couldn't pester her to keep running me to & from to use it whenever I needed it. So, I ended up having to buy a lightweight, folding electric chair that would get through to my shed & use that to go to my other chair. I didn't need the stress or expense, but the council & councillors were useless. Don't be surprised if you're refused, @allisonanderson46, just hope you get a positive outcome & quickly though.

    Just to add, the lightweight chair was/is **** but will be kept as a just in case. The good news, the lift renewal has just completed & I have my full freedom back at last. 🍾

    Another add…my big chair, Bertha, was stuck in my lounge after the lift was out because of the damage. Asked the council if it could be got down to the floor below to use the other lift (there are two lifts, one to odd floors the other to even!) some guys from the council came to look & said they'd devise a ramp or something, they never came back. My sister, whilst I was having my hair cut, went up to the local firestation. They said they would be there in an hour, my sister picked me up & dropped me home & the fireman arrived just behind me. It was quite a treat & they got Bertha down, by carrying her. 😎😍

  • allisonanderson46
    allisonanderson46 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Its shocking how councils get away with treating disabled people the way they do. We have started a local petition which has roughly 300 signatures so far. There's no way we could lift our machines up and down the stairs to our first floor flat ( no lift ) if we could lift them we wouldn't need them in the first place . I am not holding my breath for a yes, so until then it's outside behind my wheelie bins ,covered and chained up with a wheel clamp on too. . I will let you know what happens

  • egister
    egister Posts: 756 Empowering

    Isn’t denying a disabled person the opportunity to conveniently store a mobility scooter or wheelchair a crime and discrimination?

  • allisonanderson46
    allisonanderson46 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Thia is my argument with our council at the moment