Your PIP Review is Complete

RoloW Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited May 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi everyone
Wondering if anyone can advise? I have been on the highest element of Daily Living and Mobility for the last 10 years. I returned my review 1 year ago and have received the usual "We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can." ..... However, this morning I received a text saying .... "Your PIP Review is complete. You should receive your decision letter in 2 weeks."  The thing is I have had no contact from the DWP on whether I need to see an assessor or for an assessor to telephone me. All I have had is the text with a letter in 2 weeks. Most of the replies I have seen on here are saying they had a meeting or call with an assessor and THEN got this text message. You can understand why I am nervous as I don't know whether it is good news and I don't need to see an assessor or whether the letter in 2 weeks time will say I will have to see an assessor. Yet it clearly states my review is complete and a decision letter in 2 weeks....

Any help or advice is always greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,046 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hey @RoloW and welcome to the community.

    Sometimes the DWP will do 'paper based' assessments, this is often if you've given enough information in your review forms. So they feel they can make a decision without needing to give you an assessment.  They're rare, but they do happen, so I'd try not to worry too much. Easier said than done I know!

      I'll be keeping everything crossed for good news though. :)  Will you let us know the outcome please? 
  • RoloW
    RoloW Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi Albus
    Thank you for your response. Of course I will let you know the outcome. Being a member of Benefits and Work is an absolute must for people who are just starting a PIP claim as I found out to my cost many years ago. In a nutshell, I ended up going to court which is scary and the Chair of the Tribunal said before we start we are immediately giving you the highest element for mobility (12 points) when DWP assessor gave 0 points. They said we want to question your daily living needs. It was quite distressing standing in a courtroom with a panel of 4 or 5 taking notes. They came back and awarded me the highest element of daily living too when the DWP awarded me 0 points. Some 3 years later I was reviewed again but used Benefits & Work guides, was assessed face to face but awarded 6 years that time. Then one year ago I was again reviewed and it has taken until now with reams of consultants letters, doctors, pain clinic, specialists and physio's documents, in total about 40 letters, I receive this text message without having a face to face or telephone assessment. It is either very good news or I have to go through the mill again. Clearly, because it says "My PIP review is complete" I therefore have to assume I will not now be assessed by one of their hoodlums. Therefore the decision has to be NO AWARD which I would be staggered if it was, or KEPT SAME AWARD or a MIXTURE OF MOBILITY AND DAILY LIVING. I will however let you know just to help others in the same situation. 

    Kind regards
  • Jusbh71
    Jusbh71 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    I have received the same message this morning, I'm so nervous about it. What was your outcome please x

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    This is an old thread and the member hasn't been active since November so you may not receive a reply.

    The text you received is a standard text. When I received the same text back in October, it was a positive outcome for me and my award was increased.

    Even though the text advises you not to ring them, you can ring them anytime and they maybe able to tell you what that decision was.