PIP back pay advice

wonky44 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi, I applied for PIP last year some time and was granted standard mobility. I went to tribunal due to lots of things the assessor wrote that was inaccurate. The tribunal granted me enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility from the 22nd August 2022 til November 2026. This was on the 9th August 2023. I have had nothing in writing but when I rang they said my next payment would include the increased payment. Today I had what I assume to be the back pay go into my account but it was £4500. When I did the calculator it stated I should receive just over £7000 as I was only getting standard mobility for all this time. Has anyone been given a back pay much lower than what was owed? Is this something that commonly happens? Do I need to chase up the rest or does it get paid in two parts normally? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read/reply.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    As it’s more than £5,000 they owe you then it’s likely going to be paid as 2 separate payments. You can ring PIP to ask them who will confirm what’s happening.
  • wonky44
    wonky44 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you, I hoped this was the case but didn't see anywhere about it being in two installments. Doesn't help that it tales so long to receive any letters from DWP about it. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    There's fairly recent threads on here where the money was in 2 payments if it's a large amount. There's nothing offical on the net as far as i'm aware. The reason why post often takes longer from DWP is because it has to go through the mail sorting process, with many thousands of other mail from DWP.
  • lilyt5xx
    lilyt5xx Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi I was wondering if I could get some advice I got awarded pip today, how long does the back pay usually take to go into your bank account ?
  • perectlyflawed
    perectlyflawed Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    edited September 2023
    Mine took a week. The week before last in fact. I had 3 payments increasing as they came. The last being 7 days from the first. Not including the weekend.
  • lilyt5xx
    lilyt5xx Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Yeah they gave me a date of the 11th I wasn’t sure if it’d maybe go in before though. Thank you
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    lilyt5xx said:
    Hi I was wondering if I could get some advice I got awarded pip today, how long does the back pay usually take to go into your bank account ?
    3-5 working days from the date payment was sent. If they told you 11th then that sounds about right. 
  • Tallsegs333
    Tallsegs333 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener

    I called pip yesterday Friday 24th January and told my letter has been posted..I no I have been accepted because I spoke to a pip advisor on the Wednesday...no backdatedmoney has been sent can someone please tell me why?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Is this a review of an existing claim? a new claim? if a new claim are you transferring from DLA?

  • Tallsegs333
    Tallsegs333 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener

    It's a new claim

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Then if you’ve definitely been awarded and you had the difficulties for at least 3 months when you applied it will be paid from the date you rang to start your claim.

    Once payment has been made it takes 3-5 working days to go into your bank.

  • Tallsegs333
    Tallsegs333 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener

    Payment has definitely been awarded pip advisor told me so on Friday..so should I receive back pay next week u are saying?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Yes 3-5 working days. I’d advise you to ring PIP Monday morning to ask when to expect any money owed into your bank and they will tell you. You can also ask them what you’ve been awarded and they will tell you.

  • Tallsegs333
    Tallsegs333 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener

    Thank u very much