Universal Credit Review Or a Invasion of My Privacy

Topcat71 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
edited February 1 in Everyday life

I received notification that I need to provide bank statements for Universal Credit Review. I have no issue providing the income payment of my wages for which they know already from my employer but why do they need to see itemised payments. I really feel this is a invasion of my privacy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you .

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As part of the Universal Credit review, we need you to upload bank or building society statements for all your current and savings accounts. This includes joint account statements.

You must complete this to-do by 11 February 2025. If you do not, it may affect the amount of money you receive.

Your statements must:

  • cover the past 4 months
  • show both incoming and outgoing transactions
  • show the start and end balances

You can save or download statements from your online banking account or mobile banking app.

The statements you upload should be in PDF format.



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing
    edited January 28

    Unfortunately they need to see full statements as part of these checks.

    I hated providing them and being questioned on my spending, but these checks are part of claiming UC I'm afraid. Yes it's an invasion of privacy but something we will have to put up with.

    Many of us on here including myself have been through one.

  • Sharebear
    Sharebear Online Community Member Posts: 77 Contributor

    Hi , this happened to me too. It's nothing to be too concerned about. They check bills being paid and no other regular income being paid into your account.

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 177 Empowering

    You feel that it is an invasion of your privacy because that's exactly what it is. Sadly unless you do not need UC to survive you have no choice but to comply.

  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    The ICO did an investigation into this UC review practice after I made a complaint. They breached GDPR by not providing me with my right to be informed (personal information charter) at point of demanding bank statements. Data controllers MUST provide the data subject (you) with your rights to be informed (see ICO website) this is a breach of Transparency & Fairness. The ICO, upon conclusion of my complaint & investigation, asked the DWP to “consider redactions to bank statements and this is something that the DWP have agreed to look at, balancing the need for transparency in reviewing a claim and privacy of any irrelevant financial information.“ the ICO told me in a phone call that they were very concerned that the DWP are breaching privacy information.

  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    I made a complaint to the ICO, more people need to.

  • Topcat71
    Topcat71 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor

    Regarding outgoing transactions am I to fear having payments stop because I pay for Netflix out of my earnings or the occasional purchase of eBay and it be decided I should not be streaming Downton Abbey.

  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    they can not question your personal spending!

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing
    edited January 28

    I assure you they can and they do during these checks. I didn't feel I could refuse to answer their questions without risking my income.

  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    Yes they do! They shouldn’t though. Current law states the DWP can only access financial records if there is a reasonable suspicion of fraud. Have you asked them what legislation they are using? I did. They are using PIP legislation for bank statements!

  • Topcat71
    Topcat71 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor

    So they could reduce the amount given if they think you are not spending as they think you should?

    I assure you they can and they do during these checks.


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing

    No, reductions are only made if you have total capital over £6k.

  • Banarama123
    Banarama123 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering

    I have to tell you I’ve had this check. Four months of statements and upload ID also. I was absolutely petrified as I suffer from anxiety but had nothing to hide but anxiety makes you feel you have.
    However when the date came and tge lady rung she couldn’t have been nicer.
    At no time was I asked how I spent my money. I wasn’t asked about any transactions on my statements.
    she explained to me that it is mainly to check that the account is still the same one that your UC is being paid into. I think this is mainly to do with dishonest people who change bank accounts regularly because of other transactions which they want kept private. Also to check that you are the person who the bank accounts regularly because belongs to. I will repeat I was not questioned about how or what I spend my money on. I guess is they see large transactions that would be a cause for fraud. That’s what they are looking for.

  • Banarama123
    Banarama123 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering

    Can I ask what you mean by pip legislation for payments pls

  • Banarama123
    Banarama123 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering

    They didn’t question mine

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,544 Championing

    It seems there are no clear guidelines as to what the staff ask. One thing I was asked about was a £12 per month payment to my window cleaner. What possible reason could that be linked to any kind of fraud.

  • sarahw85
    sarahw85 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

    this is not a bad thing they might belt you aren’t being paid enough unfortunately it will feel like ur pants are down but it’s one of those things us benefits claimants have to do to get the support . Also getting a council house is even more intrusive as is renting getting a mortgage these days .

    Suck it up get it done and get what you’re entitled ok 👍

  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering
    edited January 28

    When I complained to the DWP, DPO I asked them what legislation they are using. They said this

    “In terms of the lawfulness of UCR, we confirm that Part 3 of The Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, Jobseeker's Allowance and Employment and Support Allowance (Claims and Payments) Regulations 2013 https://legislation.gov.uk (opens in new tab) (Reg 38(2)), allows the Secretary of State, to ask for information or evidence in relation to an ongoing award of benefit. These are the statutory powers which allow claim reviews to be carried out. The legislation can be read in full at the following address: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/380/regulation/38 (opens in new tab) These powers require customers to supply information or evidence in connection with the claim, or any question arising out of it, as the Secretary of State considers appropriate. Agents act on behalf of the Secretary of State when requesting evidence in relation to claims for existing Universal Credit”

    The 38(2)legislation they are using is this;

    38 (2) subject to regulation 8 of Personal Independence Payment regulations, a person to whom this regulation applies must supply in such manner as the secretary of state may determine and within the period applicable under regulation 40 54A of the universal credit independence payment, jobseekers allowance, and employment support allowance (decisions and appeals) regulation 2013 such information or evidence as a Secretary of State of may require for determining whether a decision on the award of benefit should be revised in the section 9 of the Social Security act 1998 or superseded under section 10 of that act

    Regulation 8 of the personal independence is this;

    (1) The Secretary of State May require C to provide any information or evidence required to determine whether C has limited ability or severely limited ability to carry out daily or mobility activities number

    (2) where information orevidence is requested under paragraph 1, C must provide the information or evidence to the secretary of state within one month from the date of the request being made or with such longer period as the Secretary of Statemay consider a reasonable in the circumstances of the particular case

    (3) where C fails without good reason to comply with the request referred to in paragraph 1 a negative determination in relation to the component to which the failure related must be made.

    As you can see, 38(2) & regulation 8 are in regards to PIP claims & reviews & the medical information/evidence required. The DWP are using this legislation to say that they can get bank statements for UC reviews! It’s not for bank statements, it’s legislation for medical evidence. UC reviews have nothing to do with PIP as PIP is not means tested.

  • tomwalker
    tomwalker Online Community Member Posts: 54 Contributor

    Yes it feels very instrusivebut I believe they are looking for unannounced income or capital and savings over a certain amount

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 867 Trailblazing

    It all comes out of the blue, with only days to react. I didn't like sending them in, as it is an intrusion, but as I'd rather not be sanctioned, then it had to be done.

  • NDmummy
    NDmummy Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor

    That is such a blatant disregard of the intended use of legislation. Can you imagine the response if we sent them the evidence (medical ) and told them here you are, information/evidence as per sec 38(2). It's just wrong