Estate agents discrimination

bea1980 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

Hi all

this may be long so I apologise in advance.

I’m on disability benefits IR ESA (just migrated to UC) and higher pip both components.

I used to live alone 9 years ago but moved back home when my mum was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away 5 years ago and I stayed with my dad to help him navigate his grief and not be lonely.

I turned 40 last year and since I moved back I’ve had zero life of my own. Now I feel so lonely as I’ve not even had a partner in that time and I’ve missed my chance of having a family of my own.

I've been looking to move since November last year. And here’s the problem. I’ve emailed every local estate agent to no avail. I’ve looked on sites like Rightmove, zoopla, openrent and on the market multiple times a day. Every time I see a property I enquire about it. They initially respond within minutes asking questions. As soon as I mention housing benefit they ghost me.

How do I go about getting my own place, I can’t live here anymore. My depression is getting worse and I just want a life before it’s too late.

Any advice greatly appreciated



  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 385 Empowering

    @bea1980 I can relate to a degree as looked after my lovely mum for 8 yrs although had a mortgage/now in LA housing association bungalow cos of poor health but did struggle to rent years ago, that was because of dogs. A few little thoughts come to mind. Do you have proof/screen shots of your eligibility for housing benefit (and I'm assuming you're looking at 1 bedroom suitable properties that HB will support ongoing). Your PIP Award To dates - are they a few years away, could you provide evidence of this to demonstrate affordability. I offered a bigger deposit years ago 'cos of dogs, I don't think this is allowed nowadays. Depending which area you're in, is there other options to where rentals are advertised (Gumtree etc). Would it be easy/straightforward for you to go to the estate agents, in person, with your requirements/evidence of affordability etc. Sorry, you might have done all this. There might be some estate agents who are more sympathetic others on here might know of everyone's very helpful. I appreciate it's over 9 years ago, but would you be able to get tenancy references from the past that could help or character references - the latter can be really useful especially when if not been in paid employment (I appreciate I'm making maybe a wrong assumption there so many apologies if I am). I really wish you good luck. You will get there but it's wrong that such discrimination exists still. You should be able to feel the excitement that comes from rebuilding your life for you, you deserve to as you've given so much of yourself for so long and I wish you very good luck too. Take good care x

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 385 Empowering

    @bea1980 oh I also got a reference from a voluntary organisation I'd worked at when I was applying for rental. I also paid 3 months rent in advance which I offered, but again, I don't know if that's allowed now. I couldnt give anyone as a Guarantor so that wasnt an option for me. You could look at Shelter website in case there's advice on there. Finally.. in Oct 2019 I applied for a bungalow with the local authority/housing association. I had an assessment at home by an occupational therapist. I only had osteoarthritis and worked as a nurse. I expected to be on the list for many years. I was offered a bungalow in July 2022 which i moved to but by then had many health issues whhch came from covid and subsequently list my job on UC LCWRA PIP. But guess what I'm saying is thank goodness I'd applied when I did. Could be worth you doing that to 'future proof' your life from a housing perspective.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    It’s been the same for many years. Even those that work find it very difficult to privately rent due to affordability.

    Sometimes there are some landlords that will accept you if you have a guarantor.

    You can fill out a form to add your name to the list for social/council housing but again the wait could be many years.

  • bea1980
    bea1980 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    thanks for your replies.

    I’ve offered at least 3 months rent in advance to no avail. I’ve been registered with the council for over 15 years but I’m not a priority. I think living in London doesn’t help as there’s a lot of competition when applying for properties.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 280 Empowering

    I’ve had exactly the same problem , email them and when they find out youre on benefits no reply at all, it’s a form of discrimination, the ones that do offer properties to claimants are usually exceptionally greedy landlords that have bought properties and turn them into as many studios as possible , basically a room with a sink/kitchenette in a corner and a tiny separate shower / toilet and charge the maximum , in London that’s over £1400 pm starting rent, they know the discrimination we face so the offer the least they can for the most money they can get .

    Most of us on benefits are good respectful people , despite what the news outlets would have you believe . I’ve also been on the council register for years but cant bid because I’m in the lowest band , I’m trying to challenge that atm but I absolutely know they’ll say I have no priority at all .

    Good luck trying to find somewhere , openrent does have a filter where you can select only properties where the landlord accepts benefit claimants, when you toggle this on there’s hardly any properties left though .

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,787 Championing

    I've had the same problem for years as well. Can't see any end to it unfortunately.

    I've had enough income to move for half a decade, but couldn't find anyone to accept, and now my health has deteriorated to the point that I don't think I could cope with a move. I can't cope with my current property either though so I just feel completely trapped now.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 280 Empowering
  • bea1980
    bea1980 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    it seems like we’re all in the same boat. I just don’t understand it, if you claim HB then you get guaranteed rent so we’re not really a ‘risk’ unfortunately some people on benefits give others a bad name. All you see in the news are the wrong un’s when a majority of us are decent people. I worked since the age of 15 until I physically and mentally could not anymore. My credit rating is excellent, no debt or CCJ’s. I claim benefits due to mental and physical health, it’s not my fault I’m sick and I’d much rather be in employment than not. Meeting people as I have absolutely no friends at all. I spend 24/7 in my house and I’m just so lonely.
    estate agents see us as the bottom of the pile and that’s not true at all. We deserve to have a place to call home

  • bea1980
    bea1980 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    to add that I’m not stupid. I know what I can afford and only go for properties within my LHA rate.

    It’s actually illegal to discriminate against people on benefits but they just don’t care

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 280 Empowering

    it’s so true , they just don’t care at all

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 280 Empowering

    They see us as desperate and pitiful and close a door that’s barely open . Have you tried to have your banding reassessed with council to see if you can move up the list ? I’m trying at the moment and it’s so disheartening coz I know at the end they’ll reject it but I have to try something

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I agree that those who don't pay their rent give those that do a bad name. There's just as much chance of a working age person not paying their rent as there is with someone claiming benefits.

    It doesn't really help matters that the LHA more often than not doesn't cover the whole of your rent.

    I was lucky and moved into a social housing property in January 2023 due to my physical health. If I was still living in my previous privately rented house the shortfall of rent would now be £180/month.

  • bea1980
    bea1980 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    I’ve tried multiple times. As I live with family I’m not seen as ‘in need’ because I have a roof over my head so other people get priority

  • bea1980
    bea1980 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    Exactly that! People can lose jobs and have no income to pay the rent yet we are guaranteed to get the rent paid each and every month. Make it make sense lol

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing

    I just don’t understand it, if you claim HB then you get guaranteed rent so we’re not really a ‘risk’

    Bea, Housing Benefit (HB) cannot be relied upon for rent payments, no. There are no guarantees with HB. So benefit claimants are a risk for landlords whether private or social housing.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 280 Empowering

    it’s the stigma that unfortunately a lot of people on benefits are brushed with , that we are all drunkards that’ll ruin the property and be nothing but problems . Most of us are respectful and responsible