Neuropathy in the feet

Loumc48 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Connected

I am hoping I can get some advice, thoughts or recommendations.

My husband had a near fatal motorbike accident last May . He survived the inevitable and throughout his ongoing road to recovery, his GP told him he had diabetic neuropathy as he is a type one diabetic and his blood sugars were not easy to control whilst he was in an induced coma for five weeks hence the diagnosis . They played around with the meds but regardless , he is still heavily reliable on codeine along with the other tablets .

Today, he finally saw a podiatrist after a five month wait who said it was nerve damage that was unlikely to repair itself and it could be lifelong therefore it is highly unlikely he will be able to return to work (as a Chef) or just walk the distances we used to with the dog which we were hopeful over time, he would get back too. But she would refer back to the GP to recommend new pain management.

Given the multitude of medical conclusions we have had from different professionals, I’m hoping that others who have experienced or are experiencing the same may be able to advise what can I do to help. It has been such sad news for us today when we thought there could have been a glimmer of hope but It’s as if he’s just been left out to dry and I so shocked given the severity of his accident. He hasn’t even had a scan for nerve damage which I thought would have been an option . Thanks everyone


  • egister
    egister Posts: 679 Empowering

    Hello! Nerve damage can be diagnosed using ultrasound or MRI, BUT decoding is very difficult.
    The only available treatment is painkillers.

  • Loumc48
    Loumc48 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Connected

    Thanks @egister . That’s what I was afraid of. The doc is changing the pain relief again to hopefully make it more manageable but he can’t walk that far and this is delaying him getting his fitness back and if it is permanent, I think we will have to accept that this is the way it will be from now on.

    it’s so sad as having defied the odds of survival and remaining very positive on this load road to recover , he now feels defeated and thinks he will never get his life back. Hopefully the new meds will help more than relying on codeine everyday which doesn’t cull the pain much.

    Appreciate the response

  • egister
    egister Posts: 679 Empowering

    Hi! The condition of neuropathic foot pain is very nasty unfortunately. I try to walk on my feet as little as possible and use a two-wheeled electric scooter. To neutralize neuropathic foot pain, ask your doctor about the combined use of various painkillers; perhaps this will help better than monotherapy. Custom orthopedic insoles made of EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) or materials with similar mechanical properties can also relieve suffering.

  • Loumc48
    Loumc48 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Connected

    Thank you so much.

    I thought walking was meant to help but clearly a case of don’t believe everything you read online .

    I am will definitely look into the insoles too. That’s a really good idea

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,537 Championing

    Hi @Loumc48 I find a softer shoe makes it less painful when walking, rather then hard shoes.

  • Loumc48
    Loumc48 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Connected

    thanks @Sandy_123 . He is only able to wear his walking boots walking very small distances as they help with the swollen left foot as he can keep the laces undone . I’ve just bought him diabetic slippers but he’s very uncomfortable in them but persevering as he was told his slip on slippers were no good as putting pressure on the toes .

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,537 Championing

    It is painful to walk some days are worse then others. He might benefit from a scooter for longer distances

  • Loumc48
    Loumc48 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Connected

    Thank you so much. I think it will take him quite some time to come to terms with this as he was convinced , that although his accident was back in May last year, he had convinced himself that he was going to be back at work by the summer so it’s still sinking in and he won’t use a scooter which is a really good idea . He was always an avid Walker (we live in rural Devon) so it’s so hard for him accepting that he can’t do the walks we used too . I am going to talk to his GP on Friday as have read about injections available as well as MRI which he never had so hoping there may be something someone can do, but not holding out hope .

  • egister
    egister Posts: 679 Empowering

    Soft shoes are completely optional. Neuropathic pain differs from pain due to arthritis or arthrosis.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 679 Empowering

    I'll tell you something unpleasant - the countryside and neuropathic pain in the feet are not compatible. There is slightly less pain only when walking on an absolutely smooth horizontal surface, otherwise the pain increases and the suffering increases greatly. Moreover, countryside and mobility scooter are not compatible. It's a long fight. MRI if it is not deciphered by a good specialist in neuropathy, alas, does not make sense.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 679 Empowering

    Personally, individual orthopedic insoles made using this

    technology were useless to me.