The Cost of Cuts



  • FeistyPigeon
    FeistyPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 291 Empowering

    Great work, Scopies! And done!! Will spread the word ; )

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 806 Trailblazing


  • FeistyPigeon
    FeistyPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 291 Empowering

    Trigger warning: Try not to get too stressed out if you read this folks, it'll probably take quite a bit of time to implement everything…

    Here goes…

    Saw a report on Channel 4 News last night which included an interview with Timms (minister for social security + disabilities).

    Looks like they're planning to scale back the access to work scheme, which would have a real negative impact on disabled people trying to get into work.

    Plus Timms confirmed they still intend to to make the £3billion disability cuts as planned by the Tories "to fulfill what was promised in the budget (Oct)". They will examine the "results of the consultation" before deciding how to do this.

    Here is a 3 min video of the interview (with subtitles available):

    In case you missed the other thread on Scope, I think this is the consultation he's talking about. Everybody fill this in:

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 160 Pioneering

    There was a spokesperson with the second name Southgate who is affiliated with Scope who said that changes could take at least a year to implement.

    Then factor in legal challenges.

    Only speaking through opinion not fact, they want to abolish the WCA and turn Universal Credit into just a place to look for work. There will be a health orientated benefit with 3 tiers replacing PIP but will it be an unemployment benefit or like PIP where you can claim it if you're employed?

    Universal Credit will have two criteria's - Fit for work, Limited Capability for Work (LCW as it is now). LCW will partake in training, courses like LCW currently does.

    Remember that's my opinion, nothing is set in stone but Labour want to cut benefits, that is the root of the situation.

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,135 Championing

    i thought uc had 3 criteria fit for work lcw and lcwra

  • FeistyPigeon
    FeistyPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 291 Empowering

    My gut feeling, they will make the £3 billion savings by:-

    1. Making it even harder to qualify for PIP
    2. Stopping all disability payments except for those who qualify for PIP

    £3 billion is a lot, they'll have to make deep cuts. Holds onto your hats folks

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Signed ✍️

  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,836 Connected


  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 806 Trailblazing

    I read they want to do away with lcwra. Not sure how true it is. Also why are they doing away with access to work if they want disabled people to work. They used to have remploy.which Cameron got rid off making disabled people unemployed

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 544 Trailblazing

    I read today they plan to make £5billion in cuts maybe more.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 544 Trailblazing

    I also read they were thinking about abolishing the LCWRA. So basically they won’t be a sickness benefit for people who can’t work. Is that even legal ? Clearly it’s a cost cutting exercise as they won’t be getting sick and disabled people into work so surely this goes against what Ellen Clifford just went to court over and won .

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 806 Trailblazing

    Honestly I'm worried sick about it, not having money to live on. I got pets as well . Surely they can't leave us with nothing. While they next year get over a thousand pounds pay rise

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 806 Trailblazing
  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 160 Pioneering

    Reading the Independent about how Labour "could" cut anywhere from 2 to 10 billion pounds from disability orientated benefits with 5 million being a likely figure.

    Their Green Paper will lay out their plans and if their plans go too far in the harshness direction then the responses to their Green Paper will be very negative, then factor in legal challenges.

    I don't know where we go, my position (Sorry for being insular) is more mentally ill than physically but who is going to employ someone with CPTSD and Agoraphobia? I was talking to an Amputee who has severe arthritis on another forum and he's worried sick, he thinks he'll never reach the state pension age because they'll raise the age eligibility to 70 if not higher.

    I have my mother who cares for me but there's people who have nobody who are in a much worse position with their physical/mental health.

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 94 Empowering

    I try my best to stay off social media/news sites etc. Hopefully all will become clear in a few weeks time. We just have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 94 Empowering
  • KarenMK
    KarenMK Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener


  • Sharebear
    Sharebear Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 814 Championing
    edited March 5

    I think if was town only, it would be fine, post code is too much of a pin pointer. But I guess I could put a neighbouring post code, its still enough to show the MP's area.

  • travis50
    travis50 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Empowering

    Reeves claims they are targeting younger people who are 'playing the system' and wants them to get back into work and training. Her words more in tune with the Tories than with a Labour Government. The Ukraine war —nothing to do with us—and Trump's tariffs are 'to blame' she says. The wealthiest people in the UK are getting more and more wealthy and Starmer pledged he would not 'hurt them'. As if they could be 'hurt' by paying more tax. Also what they do not tell you is that billions of pounds of welfare is left unclaimed. I am deeply disillusioned with this Labour administration. I have signed the petition.