The Cost of Cuts
Do you realise how short sighted that sounds. Nothing to do with us?
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Not really short sighted, because if on the one hand they are saying there is no money and benefits must be cut, then on the other pouring billions into Ukraine to fight an unwinnable war and with the possible outcome of WW3 then I think that is barmy. Also we are still supporting Israel with billions who have killed 50,000 children in the space of 17 months. But if you're happy in funding death and destruction that's your affair.
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And does the cutting of aid to our allies mean they will give it to benefit claimants instead? Life doesn't work that way.
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"Targeting younger people" Reeves said, will Labour bar younger people from claiming incapacity related benefits? Cut Universal Credit for younger people? Place more on them to engage?
Labour don't seem to care about the Unions, their members or those who voted for them, they care about the Tories and Reform.
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If they cared about getting people into work they could invest money that is spent on bombs into training and infrastructure which would help many more young people to get a place in University and work placements and go on to have fulfilling lives. But they aren't doing that. They are going to cut the money of some of the most vulnerable people in the country, whilst the Super rich get richer. Where are all the jobs going to come from? As for Ukraine, Zelenskyy is already willing to sell out to Trump in a complete reversal from last Friday. And none of them will care about disabled folk in the UK starving to death or taking their own lives. Tax the Super Rich. That way they can still arm nations at war and still genuinely help the neediest. But Starmer wont do that. He has sold his soul to the other side. Bombs coming before our own people.
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And also the fundamental point that Reeves is hiding from everyone, or thinks she is. £140bn give or take a billion of benefits goes unclaimed every year. That is then clawed back by the Treasury. It's the great lie that benefits need to be cut.
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What needs to be cut are MP's salaries, you know they're getting a pay rise soon also, for what? After 14 miserable years of a Tory government there was an open goal for Labour to actually bring some positivity back, Labour used to stand for the workers, the vulnerable, the elderly and disadvantaged, they used to be the flipside to the Tories but now they believe that the electorate wants them to emulate the Tories and Reform who's leader came from the Thatcher school of Conservatism.
The money disabled/incapacitated people get goes back into the economy, you don't have to do economics to work that out and as Travis said where are the jobs?
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I think Labour should be targeting some of the route causes of young peoples mental health issues, and be asking why are so many having to claim sickness benefits? I'm not saying for a minute they're playing the system, maybe a very minor few are, but more should be done about social media companies and the use of smart phones in schools. It's not good for their mental health to be on their phones constantly, and having an unrealistic view of the world, unable to properly socialise or engage when they come to finding work etc. I do agree more needs to be done to help them find meaningful work, but not to force them into low paid, dead end jobs. More money should be invested in mental health services inside and outside of school to help them cope with their problems, not just to be able to leave school at 18 then claim sickness benefits and be stuck in a horrible benefits system feeling there is no hope for them.
I really don't think Labour will punish every single disabled/sick individual, just the younger ones who could benefit from having more training or going to college, the benefits system should be a more fairer, less stressful, and more helpful experience,and be there for those who need it the most.
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i think you will find half the problem is that they are staying at school and College into there 20s and then they dont want to work worst thing this country ever did was raise the school leaving age to lower the unemployment figures put them in the army for a couple of years
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Now come along Michael, you know a professional army doesn't want those who don't want to be there! You are in danger of calling for a return to national service, a scheme that was stopped, in part due to the army being sick playing nursemaid to a bunch of surly conscripts.
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GB news again about cutting welfare. If she decides to do it, will we have no money at all ?
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haha back in my day our parents had a job to get us to come in the house nowadays the kids dont want to leave there room my dawnie works in a shop and the kids play with stuff and the parents laugh untill she tells them off the parents say thanks we cant do that at home anything for an easy life
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I was the same up until about 12 years old, but then we got a ZX Spectrum!
We used to make rope swings, ride our bikes, upset the farmer by damming up the burn he used to irritate the fields etc. All good, clean fun.
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ah the good old days
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You see that if Labour pushes anything too harsh in the Green Paper the reception will be overwhelmingly negative, maybe they're trying to seem tough knowing that proposals would be watered down in the event of a backlash.
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In the daily mail
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The Daily Mail is hostile at the best of times, best ignored.
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What I'm concerned is that the cuts will leave us with no money to live on
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I'm very sad to say there looks like very little difference between this Labour front bench + the Tories. They just use the excuse that "governing is hard" but they could easily get the extra money needed for defense from wealth taxes. They don't need to kick the disabled down. It feels very much as though it's been driven by ideology. And it's been particularly cruel they've kept us hanging on for months now, keeping us in the dark about what they're planning to do. They appear to have a callous disregard for the distress they've inflicted.
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how long would the cuts take because surely can’t cut people money this year