2 properties question. UC

This discussion was created from comments split from:
March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)
Hello to kimmy87
If my friends has 2 property first one his main home and second house is that if his mother lives in and on state pension will this be okay for him to get universal credit and will it reduce his uc because he has second property hope to hear from you soon ,Thanks
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Hi there @ased444 just to let you know I've turned your question into it's own discussion, as it didnt really fit into where you'd posted it. I hope that's ok?
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Some posts got lost with the mergers.
I was able to answer your question here now that you finally provided full details:
So the property would qualify to be disregarded entirely when calculating his applicable capital for a UC claim.
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Hello,to kimmy87
If my friends has 2 property one is his main home and other house is his daughter is aged 23 in universal credit limited capability for work living in his house is that okay for him to get universal credit? Thanks
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Please read this link which explains the circumstances of when a property is disregarded:
You can use the link to see whether that scenario, or any others, qualifies for the property to be disregarded.
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Hello again to kimmy87
As you previously said if i am carer then i should not get work focus interview is there any evidence online saying that?
I have another question if i am on uc and have second property will i be able to get housing benefit? Thanks
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There might need to be an initial work focused interview but you won't have any work requirements.
Please see information about property disregards:
Help with rent is known as Housing Element on UC.
If the property is not disregarded then your UC entitlement will be zero and that includes Housing Element.
If the property is disregarded then yes you should be entitled to Housing Element.
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Hello to kimmy87
As you said previously there will be no appointment now your telling me There might need to be an initial work focused interview but you won't have any work requirements. I am not understanding this?
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I'm not a professional benefits adviser, I volunteer my own time here and sometimes my advice changes because I've gotten things wrong.
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but more often than not its because people give the wrong information to start with and then move the goalposts when they dont like the answers they get to start with
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I've answered many different scenarios from this user.
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I have link below saying that whos already on lcwra will be moving to health element and will need reassesment again for health element and if work coach ask to attend work focus then will have to do that i am not understand what is health element if they put in health element is that not same lcwra so that dont need to attend jobcentre and not looking for work?
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I have link below saying that whos already on lcwra will be moving to health element and will need reassesment again for health element and if work coach ask to attend work focus then will have to do that i am not understand what is health element if they put in health element is that not same lcwra so that dont need to attend jobcentre and not looking for work? I know have not dont that as yet but if they do and if the transition move to health element will that also have medical health professional to do that assessment again for existing claiment ? Thanks
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You need to read the writing in red at the start of the article.
No one can answer your questions because they refer to a vague proposal which probably isn't going to become reality.
All of us are waiting to read Labour's plans.
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Thank you again to kimmy87
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There is some detail came from goverment today about the scrapping lcwra if they scrap that then does people whos on lcwra have to get reassesment again to get new health element ? Thanks
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Can anyone tell me please how will there reassesment for existing lcwra claiment after 2026? Thanks
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Can anyone tell me please will there reassesment for existing lcwra claiment when moving to uc health element after 2026? Thanks
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Can anyone tell me please will there reassesment for existing lcwra claiment when moving to uc health element after 2026? and when 2026 comes goverment are saying that to get pip you only need at least 4 point to score is that going to be harder to get than current system? Thanks