Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering

    Jess Phillips MP, 11/04/2018

    Is she still standing up for people in need? Genuine question, I don't know the answer yet but if someone is in her constituency, it may be a good time to write and ask.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 772 Trailblazing
    edited March 12

    The reason they did the move, is the majority of all new legislation only applies to UC, and in the long term it saves money as UC has no SDP, TP would only last temporarily until eroded away. (for myself I calculated 4 (financial) years based on expected inflation, as I migrated only a few months before April, in reality 3 years and a bit).
    A lot of rules are more strict on UC as well, there is regular reviews for means testing, its easier and quicker for them to close claims, they can recover debt much faster and so on. There is also some efficiency improvements, although as I learnt recently also still some inefficiency in place.

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Would these new changes to PIP criteria and eligibility not unfairly target those with mental health issues? Surely it's discriminatory and can be challenged in court especially if it puts us at greater risk of harm and deprivation, I'd love to hear what a solicitor or lawywer would think about this. Even if the plans get the go ahead how long would they take to be implemented, are we talking months or years? Iv'e just been reawarded my PIP for another 4 years and now like others I'm terrified this will be the last time I'll ever get it again. Like alot of people on here I have to use that money mainly to top my rent up, which it's not supposed to be for that, but to help with my everyday needs etc. I wish I could afford my own legal advice about all of this as certain groups who are supposed to be helping us are just putting out scripted responses to our concerns.

    I think I'm more worried about being reviewed again for PIP in 4 years and facing new criteria that I won't be able to meet, even though my mental health is terrible, but by sounds of things if you can answer a phone or type on a keyboard, or turn the page of a book, you'll lose points for PIP and won't get it. Absolutely ridiculous and evil these plans are!!

  • Jamk85
    Jamk85 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Empowering

    My guess this could take years, and will end up getting wattered down before they become law.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    HHow are you secretsquirrel I've crashed and burned head all over the place hope your OK x

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    That's what I'm worried about if moved to uc after September god this is awful from us both worrying about uc to this cruel

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    Meg I remember you saying about substantial risk if you where given points under that you'd get reassessment

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    I’m sorry if it came over as though I was/was trying to initiate infighting in any way (if that was directed at me.) That absolutely wasn’t my intention and I did say in my comment that we need to stick together, regardless of our disabilities, whether physical or mental or both.
    The thing is, if these “young idiots” are posting saying they have PIP, then their conditions must be severe enough to be awarded, because we all know how much of a struggle that can be! I’m fairly young (25, first applied aged 22, awarded at 23) for mental illnesses and I felt as though it took until the tribunal for anyone to take me seriously. So it does bug me when people (no one here, but politicians) talk about all these young people being on PIP for “mental health issues” when it is a significant and catastrophic thing.
    You don’t belong in the bin, and please don’t let these bstards try and convince you otherwise. It sounds really difficult to have all the physical AND mental conditions you have, and I hope you have an adequate support system and medical input. You deserve that, and you not only deserve but have a RIGHT to live the best life you can. These out of touch, idiotic politicians will never understand. But we do.

    Again I’m sorry if my comment came over as dismissive or diminishing — I just think it’s important for the wider public to stand up for those of us with invisible disabilities too, and I’m sick of mental illness not being taken seriously by people in power. They could not live a DAY in our brains. They just couldn’t. And if they managed, I have no doubt that their attitudes would be significantly different!

    We need to stand together. They want us to be divided. And if they focus on the mentally ill, next they’ll come for the physically ill who have some degree of capacity, and so on until everyone is stripped.

    We’re in this together!

  • Hobbit25
    Hobbit25 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    Yeah its a Labour MP. I don't have any faith in getting any sympathy from her with what I have read online about her and from local people but I need to write to her regardless. I expect I will just get a generic "change is needed. Work is good for the soul" typical Labour MP reply, if any.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    This is what worried about uc if get moved from legacy to uc after September 2025 will it be under new rules so be reassessed

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    Old style Contribution Based ESA is currently not being transferred over to UC at the moment. However I'm not sure if we will be effected with the upcoming proposed changes. x

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering

    She definitely needs to be reminded that the most deprived constituencies are overwhelmingly Labour ones. Hammer the poor is rarely a popular policy with poor people, regardless of what a poll in the Daily Mail told them.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 426 Pioneering

    Hi Catherine , I’m stressed as we all are . Not much appetite right now. Trying to keep mind busy as I don’t know what to worry about as they’re not confirming anything. I think they’re finding it harder than they expected and have delayed the green paper so that’s good news 🤞🙏.

    How are you doing ?

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering

    Think you might have intended to use someone else's quote there!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    Was Jeremy corbin there he's going to beat the rest into submission how to keep a clear head awful

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    They don't care they will multi Millionaires and this is all planned

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Hi sorry i think its my post that came across wrong. My partner & kids suffer with mental illness, they won't apply for pip after seeing what i was put through.

    I wasn't taking aim at anyone i was trying to say (badly) its people who do those sort of things i think lie-bour are using to push this disgraceful narrative.

    I'm honestly starting to think the leak was intentional & i dont think they were expecting such a backlash from the general public but also terrified it wont make a difference.

    I am not usually good with words so if i ever saying anything wrong i apologise in advance. My view in life is it doesnt matter what your sex, age, religion, race etc you fit into 2 catergories 1) decent 2) idiots

    Ive come along way since been bullied at school, getting through what i know were sexual assults (but never viewed it that way as it was groping by a man & woman) going through alot in my marraige, self harm, you know what im suprised im not more broken 🤣.

    I won't let them knock me down, i can fall down all by myself 🤣🤣.

    Sorry about my sense of humour.

    Sometimes i wish i was back to been oblivious of whats going on

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    Oh crashed and burn I hope this is true reading starmer been taking to supreme court over money going abroad or something they can down hard on him if it is true I was happy yesterday fifi bloods came back good but last night she was awful being sick very very restless god nerves on edge waiting for doctor to call going to ask for a lobotomy xx

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