Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Stop_cutting_us
    Stop_cutting_us Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected

    Hello like many on here i am Terrified of the recent planned cuts to disabilities i've heard how this might affect PIP in detail but i'm very scared that LCWRA might get cut as well and I can't seem to find details anywhere on this? Does anyone know any details? Will it affect current claimants? By how much will it be cut?

    I've heard from the mirror and other sources giving conflicting information. That it could be cut by 1/3 2/3 or even entirely!! Red Tories! How could labour betray its own voter base like this? People voted for them because they are tired of cuts from the conservatives and now we get this? Its pure evil. Tax the rich by a 2% increase, go after non doms and stop giving billions to ukraine. Attacking the disabled is the easy cowardly way.

    Vote Green, Lib Dem or SNP depending on your area. Reform and conservatives, as suggested by their manifestos,would also bring in these cuts.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    one young guy came canvassing for them at the election. I said no way can I vote for Starmer as I’m disabled. He said his mum was disabled so he wouldn’t work for Starmer if he thought he cut disability benefits. I wonder what he’s thinking now

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    They’re so hated now I don’t even hear any Labour voters supporting them . You’d think they’d stop and think wouldn’t you

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    Probably thinking about joining Galloway's gang or the Lib Dems I suspect.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    where I live it’ll be Corbyn. I can’t stand starmer so I ended up with three of them trying to answer my questions. They were all ridiculous. They put my name down for the candidate to call me . He never did 😂

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected

    That is exactly how I feel. I was stressed out about being forced to move from ESA to UC, and left it literally until Sunday night (deadline was today 11th March) to submit the form. I've had UC calling me every single day last week asking me why I hadn't moved across yet. I dodged there calls because I didn't want to speak to them and submitted the form on Sunday night.

    But for what actual reason? So they could group everyone together under one umbrella to make it easier to cut things away from us.

    The stress is making me really sick. I'm like many people in here. I'm physically ill, I was sat down by my consultant and was told I will never be able to work again, I cried my eyes out and told him he was wrong, I told my GP and he also me sat down with my mum and made it very clear to me that I would never be well enough to work.

    I felt worthless. I still do. I felt like a burden. I still do.

    Being told by this labour government that I am a burden to society is hard to hear.

    They could take every penny away from me, my diagnosis doesn't change. My situation will not change.

    Sometime I wonder what's the point.

    Maybe that's why they really want to push through assisted dying, so the sick and the disabled could also access it.

    Yes, I'm in a miserable mood.

    Was watching the Martin Lewis show tonight and for some stupid reason thought he might mention all the cuts that might be happening. He said nothing. Not sure I'm surprised, but I disappointed.

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    I suspect Martin Lewis and/or others will address this soon. But at the moment all we have is rumour and counter-rumour. Hard for anyone to say what will actually happen when even the government doesn't know.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    @Stop_cutting_us Sorry,it is being widely reported that Kendall is promoting taking money away from Low capacity group on UC and upping basic rate for job ready. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has published a paper( it’s on their online site) detailing the amounts this could entail. Anything from a quarter off, roughly 100 quid or a half£200? Quite how they can get this through is beyond me as plenty people on Low capacity for work are not on PIP, or in the process of applying for it.. this would devastate their incomes. It would include those waiting for cancer diagnosis, or folk who are waiting for minor surgeries etc and unable to walk/ recovering from pregnancy issues… who may not have had an answer on PIP yet. However, the good news is this might take a while to happen.. both because of the green/ white paper/ Lords process and perhaps because they may opt to stage the reductions over a few years. I’ve linked the Joseph Rowntree paper twice on here.. the whole debate is on the site?

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    will they be able to get away with that . Isn’t it the same as the Tory green paper in regards to cutting a possible £400 monthly with very few moving into jobs and as such found to be unlawful ?

  • A_Z1961
    A_Z1961 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Connected

    "I was told it could take years. Universal Credit took years to be fully implemented."

    I read the above quote and I realise some haven't gone over to UC yet and say these things will take years but UC was fully migrated in my part of Scotland back in 2018 so the changes came in very quickly for us. Same may happen with benefit cuts.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    I agree. I’ll link the article so you can read it over. There is a suggestion that such massive changes would need to be staged over years? https://www.jrf.org.uk/news/factsheet-health-related-benefit-cuts

  • Stop_cutting_us
    Stop_cutting_us Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected

    Thanks I've read this article as well, i know 5 people that will be plunged into outright poverty with these brutal cuts, one will be forced to return to an abusive home where they will be physically attacked by family or live on the streets and another will lose their independence when these cuts happen. But it says "new claimants" would these changes affect people already on LCWRA? Thanks for your time.

  • Ralph
    Ralph Online Community Member Posts: 143 Empowering

    Well if these reports are correct Labour had a choice of either take money from the poorest sick and disabled people or take it from the richest people and corporations. Guess which they picked.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Yeah noticed that bit about new claimants. I think eligibility to both PIP and Low Capacity is going to get much harder. I worked for decades before I was registered disabled and resent the tax I paid to this country’s governments now.. hoping that if I couldn’t work there would be a life raft. How wrong was I!

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Exactly. I knew when Liz Kendall got her post it was going to be tough.. she’s never been to the left of politics. Some of her comments would sit well in Reform.

  • Hobbit25
    Hobbit25 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    I have started my first draft on the email I intend to send to my MP. I've never written to a MP before. Does anyone have any tips?

    I'm going to keep it to one page and the hardest part will be remaining polite and dignified when my blood is boiling this much!

    I was going to include details of my own illnesses, benefit experiences and how the cuts would affect me personally. Should I? Or keep to why I disagree with the cuts in general?

    Any tips welcome! Thank you and take care

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Indeed. Also they’re challenging the opinions of doctors/ health professionals who deemed the person too Ill to work through the WCA?? Same with PIP.. we’ve been medically assessed… so they’re going to overturn that and discriminate us instead. It’s crazy stuff.

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    Well John Crace certainly gets it…

    Labour used to give the needy the benefit of the doubt. Now they slash their benefits | John Crace https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2025/mar/11/labour-used-to-give-the-needy-the-benefit-of-the-doubt-now-they-slash-their-benefits?CMP=share_btn_url