Lcwra assesment
Hi I’ve just had my assesment call and I think it went really bad. They asked me so many questions and I really don’t thi k I’m going to get awarded. anyway, has anyone had one recently and I just wondered how long it took from the appointment call to receiving a decision Thank you
Pip assessment
Hello Iv just been informed that I got a pip appointment assessment on Wednesday 2 25 it's over the phone on a phone camera thing I'm new to all of this if someone as had this before if you can help me what to expect question from then sorry my anxiety is getting to me ATM and I'm worried about the call any help of what I…
WCA telephone cancelled without notice
Hello, I waited for my phone WCA appointment time and it was a no-show not even pre-cancelled, when I called they said it should have been cancelled and someone would contact me, and it would be rebooked. I Haven’t heard back. I suffer severe anxiety and this was so traumatic for me. Anyone else had this happen and be…
Hi, my name is sdavies25! hi I had a phone assessment on the 30/1/25 I called today 5/1/25 ...
hi I had a phone assessment on the 30/1/25 I called today 5/1/25 to request a copy of my report but the lady on the phone said it’s been sent back to the assessor could anyone tell me why that’s happened and if it’s good or bad? I suffer from bpd/adha/anxiety/depression and the stress of all this process is making me so…
Changing number
hiya. I have a telephone appointment on Friday but I don’t have that number anymore and I can’t change it unless I go down there is there any other way other than going down there my anxiety is going through the roof as we only have the appointment as they are checking to see if we are getting the right amount…
Hi, my name is trish1963! I have pip phone call and v v worried about it...
Hi all. I suffer extreme anxiety and depression, on olanzapine, propanol and mirtazapine. Finally I applied for pip as I need help with remembering to taking meds, eat and not break down. I have pip phone call and v v worried about it,
Had my pip report today been on it for almost 5 or so years and this is my first ever assessment. problem is DWP have down about the abuse that happened during my childhood which related in pregnancy I kept my baby I honestly think I'd off died if it continued once I found out I spoke up and told professionals Problem is I…
Panicking as first time claiming
Good morning everybody, and apologies for the long post but wanted to explain.** I am new to this forum. I have applied for PIP for the first time in my life. I’m nearly 60. Application Process: I had some help with the form in November 2024 due to my anxiety of not being able to focus on doing it by myself. I opted for a…
Recording pip phone assessment
Hi just received my pip assessment conclusion letter. I am going to request they reconsider their decision. It states I am on no medication even though I stated on form and in phone assessment that I am. It states I need no help with washing and bathing even though I stated on form and in phone call that I do. States I can…
Good morning everybody, and apologies for the long post but wanted to explain.** I am new to this forum. I have applied for PIP for the first time in my life. I’m nearly 60. Application Process: I had some help with the form in November 2024 due to my anxiety of not being able to focus on doing it by myself. I opted for a…
PIP award
Hi, I applied for PIP due to having hearing loss in both ears. I send my form off, with a letter from my audiologist. I received a letter saying I'd have an assessment on the phone. The day before the assessment, i had a phone call saying i didn't need an assessment and they have submitted my report. Then a week later a…
PIP claim denied after review
I've just had my PIP withdrawn after a telephone interview review. I scored 6 points! That's less than half what I scored in my first review. I'm going to do mandatory reconsideration but I'm so stressed out right now I don't think I'm thinking right. I'm just getting over the flu as well and can't even talk, yet, so no…
Contesting the Assessors Report (pip review) prior to a decision being made
Hi all, new to the forum and in a complete state, could use some advice / reassurance / previous experience stories please….. I have Parkinson's Disease, Cervical Dystonia and Gastroparesis. I was on enhanced for both and had to send my forms for review last September. Since I sent in my original review form I have sent in…
PIP journey
I've been on standard level of PIP since 2011 following a C3/C4 disc prolapse that went undiagnosed for 6 weeks and by the time they determined the cause of my symptoms the disc was through the spinal fluid and pushing halfway into my spinal cord, causing permanent nerve damage. In July (5th) I informed them that my issues…
UC phone appointment on Friday
Hello, happy new year. Today got message in my journal. “Phone appointment is to review your UC claim, discuss the information you have already provided and further evidence.” Recently about a month ago I was asked to submit bank statements. I’m still on LCWRA since Covid. Any idea what they will ask? Thank you.
sick note
i recieved a text from the dwp today stating they were calling me tommorow i called them and they said that it will be a phone call from my work couch to see if i am doing to look for work but i have been puting sick notes and just went through a phone call assement for capabliy to work could it be something and put that i…
Now i am even more confused
Had my review last week over the telephone after waiting nearly 14 months for this I called pip earlier today to ask for the assors report and she said she would get it sent out to me. Then i asked if she knew how long it would be for a decsion on the review and this surprised me as she said well not until july as this is…
Hi, my name is bowie59! Worried about WCA phone call
i had a phone call assessment last week and i am worried sick i suffer from psoriatic arthritis and fibromyagia which causes chronic pain all over my body and makes walking very difficult i think i answered one of the questions wrong she ask if i had a seat in my shower and i said no she said she would have to tell the dwp…
I just had my UC Review on the phone a month after sending all my documents in
the whole phone call took just 6 minutes. She didn’t ask me any questions about any transactions or anything. Five minutes after the call I got notice on my journal that my review is complete and my UC will not change. I had spent the past four weeks so panicked and distressed that I’d had to go on stronger medication to…
Hi, my name is CAF! Can I ask at the new appointment for another person?
I had my phone assessment todaybut it was cut short as the woman phone cut off then when she rang back she claimed that she couldn't hear me. I called the office and I will be sent a new date. My concern is that I couldn't understand her and she repeatedly kept talking over me, I was unable to answer her questions. Can I…
Hi, my name is Sheian! We are both nervous about PIP telephone assessment. Any tips please?
Hello everyone. I am a carer for an adult son with various disabilities. He has applied for PIP and will soon be having a telephone assessment. We are both nervous about it. We don’t really know what to expect. Any tips please? I will be attending the assessment with him on speaker
Pip phone consultation
I've just received a text message saying I have a phone consultation on the 9th Jan. I'm not very good on the phone at all. It doesn't say how long it will last or give me any other information. Can someone be with me during the call as I often need prompting or questions reworded so I can understand them. I think no one…
Hi, my name is cheesecake765! worried completely messed up my telephone pip assessment.
hello , I have very recently had a pip assessment over the phone and feel that I have completely messed it up , I work but suffer badly with fibromyalgia and truly have to push my self to complete my shifts which causes chronic fatigue and migraines for which I have prescribed medication . I was asked about dressing my top…
Got a call about getting phone assessment
Hi, i got an unexpected call regarding my pip review from the assessment team, i was asked one quiestion but told i would be getting a phone assessment, lady was so nice, is this normal to get this call, thankyou
Phone interview problem understanding
My daughter has autism, anxiety, depression and other..A month ago had the 4 banks statement phone call..To be told her citizen card is not correct ID they would get back to her .No passport or driving licence yet in the ID list ID card..Yesterday email etc a phone appointment Fri.. Then recieved a phone call as she was…
Biographical appointment by phone
I've just done the migration claim from ESA Support group and was wondering what to expect from the call? I suffer from agraphoboa and social anxiety so I'm very worried... Thanx
PIP awarded but 5days later I receive in post a health assessment via phonecall weeks away
Hi, PIP sent me a text 5days ago saying I was awarded PIP but today I receive in the post a health assessment via phonecall weeks away. What does this mean will I still get my payment soon or will it not be decided until after the phonecall on the 28th Nov? I've been a nervous wreck for months and this has consumed…
DWP assessment call
Hi I suffer from mental health issues anxiety the DWP are ringing me on Friday for my assessment I can't answer the phone I suffer so bad it's been making me ill with the upcoming call, is there any other way I can do it? The job centre accepts me speaking to them in my journal as it has a massive affect on me via phone…
Can I close UC account during claims review?
Hi all, new here! Just looking for some answers, I was asked to do a claims review a week or two ago, I have submitted the documents requested but heard nothing more about it. Currently working full time and get UC as a top up of wages as I’m a single mum. I have been trying to get a second job for MONTHS to get off UC, I…
Guide: How to make PIP contact you with email only - no letters, no calls, no face-to-face
I have just successfully got the DWP to promise that they will contact me by email only. That means no letters, no phonecalls, and no face-to-face assessments. If your disabilities mean that you can't take phonecalls or have any other difficulties with the communication PIP usually uses, email the address…