Adult autism assessment - Supporting my future wife in her MSc and PhD
**Note: I would like to apologise in advance for any terminology or phrases I may use which may make any readers uncomfortable. My autism awareness is limited and none of the following is intended to be, in any way intolerant or offensive. Should I get anything wrong please do tell me and I'll update this post and very…
Can I ask a question?
Is there anyone who suffers from any Autisum spectrum disorders. I would like to get to know you. Please keep in touch.
People not understanding my disabilities
I have dyslexia and dyspraxia been told by doctor and thought out education. But as of over age of 25 people can understand me but doesn't understand disabilities like tell me do something . Can come across as rude or Misunderstood when following people instructions when other people are give to me.
Struggling with mental health
Hi. I have been struggling with anxiety and low moods often but I have been slowly dealing with it during lockdown. Recently I have struggled with dealing with it because of the uncertainty of when lockdown will be over so I felt like my routine felt monotonous which I think is mostly due to my hormones which can make me…
hi im Dave
Hi im dave i have aurtism mental health disorders and dysleia
Adult autistic son being moved from supported housing
My 36 year old Asperger son has lived in NAS supported housing near to family for 12 years. Previously he lived in residential for one year but was moved by social services for financial saving. Has struggled to cope over years developing increasingly severe anxiety treated with medications and cbt. Two years ago a severe…
Worried for my son, eating and coronavirus, any advice or help...
I have a 8 year old son with autism. As of Friday schools will close. He is one of the vulnerable who has asthma and needs to take 2 different inhalers everyday, a third one to be taken when needed, and steroid crystals. He has several medical issues that comes along with autism, like bowel movements and takes medication…
My 18 year old Aspergers brother
Hello, new to this ! I am 20 and my younger brother is now 18, we found out he has aspergers when he stopped going to school at age 13. He now just sits in his room all day, unemployed and uninterested in anything but his computer. My mum has done so much taken years off work to try to help but he won’t change until he…
Need assistance
Im a parent of a 7 yr old autistic child.In September, SUPPOSEDLY the school SENCO will help me apply for a ehcp as the deadline for it all to go through is now finished. Firstly the school SENCO has done nothing for my son. She's admitted he needs more help and hes struggling in mainstream but thats only saying it verbal…
Autism and how to get diagnosed
Is it better to go to a gp to see if I have autistic tendencies or not? I'm not sure were to start because I've never been tested for it before and I don't want to be judged by anyone if It turns out that I have got it
Is dypraxia linked with ms and adhd
Hi all Hope everyone is well ? Can some one pls tell me if as he is linked with dypraxia am ms. I can't seem to get gp yo refer me to a neurologist . I'm in a lot of pain and have balance problems etc. Thank you
Hi, my name is Professorgarbutt!
Firstly, autism need not be classed as a disability. For some it is, for others, especially those with AS, it isn't. It is certainly not a ' psychiatric disorder ', a term used by the New Scientist recently, for which they had to apologise. Although it is true that, thanks to the exposure given to autism over the past two…
Would it be wrong to buy her a wheelchair
Hi, my daughter was diagnosed with asd in March. She has a very low pain threshold and pain in her feet has triggered loads of meltdowns and resulted in her running off. She's very bright and masks everything so well and seems so "normal" and I'm worried about doing anything that will be harmful to her. We're going to…
Adult PDA
Hi everyone, I'm a advocate for my brother who has PDA, i'm becoming a bit overwhelmed, I feel as though all of the support from various different services don't really meet his needs i.e meet ups and social activities as he's completely isolated with high levels of anxiety. A lot of the different places i've sought advice…
Severe learning disability / advice re pda
I am looking after a child with the above and has the developmental age of a toddler but answers no to most things or 10 minutes struggles to get dressed each day and lies to control situations. I have thought for a while this could be pda but I am unsure as due to his developmental age it would be normal for a toddler to…
Help / advice for mother of 20 year old with ASD and LD
Hello everyone. I am new here and I really need some help. My 20 year old son is receiving continuing health care (CHC) funding ( very challenging behaviour ) and has no social worker . He attends a day placement (5 hours a day , 4 days a week on a 3:1 staff ratio). While I am very grateful to have secured CHC funding and…
My daughter has eating issues and I need professional help
Hi, I am new to this community. My daughter is 3 years old and has suspected Autism currently on the waiting list for a diagnosis. She is a very fussy eater and will only eat brown/ beige foods. No wet foods like soup or baked beans. She doesn't eat potatoes or any veg and only eats bananas. She won't mix foods on her…
Hoping for a diagnosis!
Hey guys have not had a formal diagnosis as of yet (in the process) only just plucked up courage to see the GP to share my struggle and suspicions! I’m 99.5% sure I have ASD really really struggling with anxiety/depression at the moment but VERY good at putting the mask on!!! Anybody else in a similar situation? -
Hi I'm River Song, At 29, I'm finally going through the assessment stage for diagnosis and have 3 different ones on the table. High Functioning Autism, ADHD, and Sensory Processing Disorder. Going for further testing to figure out which ones are going to be most helpful for my life.
Sensory issues
Hi everyone... My 5 year old daughter who hasn’t been diagnosed yet with ASD but is in the process hasn’t been in school since the Christmas break. Her sensory issues got worse from Christmas on. She couldn’t wear her school uniform or any socks or shoes. And after a few days she couldn’t wear pants or trousers, anything…