taking the next step?

stevie_ Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited April 2021 in Autism and neurodiversity
hiii, i'm stevie, i'm twenty five, female and new to anything like this. 
i am not officially diagnosed with asd (just anxiety) but i question whether i could be on the spectrum having looked into the disorder (slightly obsessively) over the last couple of weeks, but i'm currently a little reluctant to speak to my gp as i don't want to waste anyone's time or seem like i'm "self diagnosing" just for the sake of it...
any words of advice on taking the next step or just a simple hello would be appreciated!!
hope i posted in the right place!!


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @stevie_ and welcome to the community. You're definitely not alone in feeling like this, as a few members have opened up recently about potentially being on the spectrum, admittedly, including myself.

    I have an appointment with my specialist at the end of the month, not in the correct field but he knows me well and I value his opinion, so will see what he says.

    You won't be wasting anyone's time, I assure you. Although, i know it's easier to feel like that sometimes. You deserve answers just as much as the next patient :)
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome 

    If you don't seek advice you won't know and get any support you may need 

    Just go with open mind and be honest don't try and make yourself fit the symptoms you have researched or you might get an incorrect diagnosis 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    Welcome to the community @stevie_ :) Thanks for joining!

    I'd just like to echo what the others have said, and reassure you that you should definitely speak to your GP if this is something that's been weighing on your mind. Is that something you'd feel able to do? The first appointment can just be about discussing what's brought you to this point, and what the next steps might be. 

    Are you currently receiving any support for your anxiety, such as therapy or counselling? If so, this is something you could bring up to your therapist too. 
  • stevie_
    stevie_ Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    @Tori_Scope: thank you so much for your response! i definitely feel much better and more reassured since posting my original post as i don't have quite have the support system irl that i feel like i would much benefit from, so it's super nice to have some positive feedback. i am also currently doing CAT therapy online with a psychotherapist, i have brought up a few concerns to her over the last few months, however she seems quite indifferent whenever i do and i'm never quite sure how to take it.

    @woodbine / @Ami2301 / @janer1967: i appreciate every one of your replies! i think with a history of being misdiagnosed and feeling ignored by my doctors, i'm a little apprehensive to take the next step and i also feel like maybe that is my own fault for not being able to express myself properly... but thank you all for being so kind and reassuring and validating, a little encouragement has gone a long way, i feel much more at ease!
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    That's great I'm glad you feel more positive and the community have been able to help 

    Keep posting and joining in