Costco online deliveries
Hi folks does anyone know if costco do deliveries at the weekends? Ive finally got a new job and i am only available at the weekends at home now Thanx all
What do you collect ?
I have a collection of Nokia Mobile phones - all in good working condition still I started with an original 9000 - communicator - that cost £1000 in 1996This was updated to a Nokia 9210 in 2000A Nokia 9300 replaced thisFinally a Nokia E90 All these phones were predecessors of modern "smart phones" with email and web…
Spirituality in the disability movement/liberation theology
Good Evening, I wanted to ask people what (if any) degree spirituality plays in disability rights in your view. My friend, who's Jewish takes inspiration from the fact Moses had a speech impediment, yet told a world leader where to go and lead slaves to freedom. As for Christianity, how have its views on disability…
It's World Theatre Day 2024!
Back in 1961, the International Theatre Institute (ITI) decided to throw a big bash for all the theatre lovers out there, and they called it World Theatre Day. It's like a global theater family reunion, held every 27th of March. ITI Centres and theatre aficionados from all over the world will be joining hands (or maybe…
Meet ups/Day to day life
Hi guys, I'm a 50 year old woman with ADHD and a restless mind. I walk, do yoga and meditate and have been going through a lot of boring stuff to do with my health recently. What do you guys do if you're not working? I feel quite lonely today. I have a lovely dog to take care of today from 5pm but today I have felt very…
Fish Doorbell
No, I haven't lost the plot (yet). Has anyone else heard of this fish doorbell? The basic story is that there's a boat lock in Utrecht in the Netherlands that is shut in Spring. The fish in the water like to swim about at this time to find mates and lay their eggs, but they can't get through unless the lock is opened.…
Interesting Questions
How do I recieve new badges?
Editing comments
I’ve just noticed that the ability to edit our comments has changed from 59 minutes to just 15 minutes. Anyone else notice this? Is there any reason for this? It’s extremely annoying having an even shorter time to do this. I edit comments quite a lot if I miss any information out when I first comment.
Feeling a bit low
I’m 43 years old and have cerebral palsy that I’ve got older. I’ve become very isolated as my mobility has got worse and I find it quite hard to get out and about. it seems where I live the only social groups available for the elderly and there doesn’t seem to be any befriending services available so I just join this group…
Transphobic receptionist refusing to use my child's new name
My 13 year old is trans and has been out to us a couple of years it took us time to adjust but we're getting there but the place we are finding the hardest and most discrimination is the NHS of all places!!!! The NHS in general is transphobic but this receptionist at our GP surgery in particular is so openly so. I've heard…
What Free Games can I download?
Hi Is there any free computer games which are free that I can download on a windows laptop? Any suggestions
The poem called life full of challenges
The poem called life full of challenges Every day we face challenges of some sort We may freeze for a moment But we always find a way to overcome each challenge that we face Regardless of tasting being unsuccessful straight away can be a bitter pill to swallow, but this can build our mental resolve and keep rising to keep…
My 10,000 post on the scope forum
Thank you everyone for helping me get this far.
Dentist and Covid
I have a dental appointment next week and my dentist STILL requires all patients to wear a face mask, whilst waiting in the waiting room !!Anyone else got a similar dentist ?Hasn't he seen the news ? Covid is "so last year".....
Tolkien Reading Day 2024
Tomorrow is Tolkien day and I'm super excited about it! Tolkien Reading Day is an annual event, launched by The Tolkien Society in 2003, that takes place on 25 March. It has the aim of encouraging the reading of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, and the use of Tolkien's works in education and library groups. The date of 25…
Sunday fun
Fetching this back today as its been fun before. If I came into your home and took what is on top of your fridge, what would I have? On mine is cereals in plastic storage boxes
Hi everyone just let you know that I have been in hospital since last Sunday because I have fractured my right ankle
What're your realistic and unrealistic dream jobs?
What's your dream job that you think is possible one day? What's a job you'd love to do but you've had to come to terms with the fact it's no longer a possibility? My realistic answer is either an electrician, an accountant, or getting into writing about a subject I like... I always wanted to be a pilot but now I'm too old…
Earth Hour 2024 at 8.30pm
Earth Hour 2024 is tonight at 8.30pm for one hour - switch off as many electrical devices as you can to join in
Steve Harley RIP
It has just been announced that Steve Harley has died at 73 Make heaven smile Steve, come up and see Saint Peter.