Powerchair breakdown
I use a powerchair for mobility including walking my dog. My concern is if the powerchair breakdowns then how can it and I be rescued if I am in the middle of a field where access is not easy… My powerchair did breakdown once before but luckily it was close to my car and I got help. I called the insurance that provides…
Hi, would I be eligible to have a mobility scooter on the NHS?
Hi there, I would like to know as I have many health conditions would I be eligible to have a mobility scooter on the nhs as my breathlessness is making it really hard to walk and constant fatigue with activity. Would I be able to find out when I next go to phyisio on the 15th of May..... Sparklebright628
Discretionary housing payments
My rent for the past couple of years have been more than my private rent so my parents have been helping me out Have just been told there is discretionary housing payment is this correct? I claim esa and pip for mental health and also mobility issues please can someone advise me please I live in Oxford. Thanks Barry
Experiences with support from council occupational therapy?
Hi, I live in a private rented house with a friend of mine, we're both disabled and "part time" wheelchair users (basically only used outside of the house because the house itself isn't really suitable for it indoors) since neither of us can walk very far, very fast, or for very long, and it's incredibly painful. We have…
Hi, my name is tawny! SSE/OVO is preventing me from toping up my electricity
Hello never thought about joining, but now SSE/OVO is preventing me from toping up my electricity. I cannot get a new key activated and have spent hours on the phone with them. I have MS which affects my right side. I am now very scared electricity will run out.
hi I recently had a over bath shower fitted but with there being a window at one end of the bath I had to have bath changed this was all covered by council which they employed outside contractors to carry out the works but now after two weeks the new bath has a crack in it to no fault of our own it has to be a faulty bath…
Urgent advice
Hi should universal credit notify me straight away if my landlord asks them to start paying rent to them
Housing benefit on ESA
How do I get housing benefit on esa? I already receive esa but not sure how to get the housing benefit element thanks
Looking to have the garden adapted for use
I am disabled and I have two disable children in Scotland .We have a council house that’s been left a mess in regards to the back garden and I was wondering is there any support out there to get grants to have the garden made into a safe space for us all to use .Due to my conditions and the children’s needs we could really…
Hi, my name is mumii63! Help with arena accessibility
Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice im looking to take my 90 year old grandmother to an andre rieu concert on Thursday in the odyseey belfast currently I've came across no telephone number for the arena or ticket master no telephone number my grandmother uses a rotator but I was going to try and bring a…
Hi, my name is billben! Mobility Scooter charging
Hello my mobility scooter battery has gone flat over the winter, can i recharge them with originale charger, or do I need to buy a car charger
Hi, my name is Rosina57! kymco midi XLS lights
Hi. I have a kymco midi XLS. I have a problem with my lights. When I push the light button the lights come on but go off straight away. Does anyone know what the problem is or am I doing something wrong
How to stop rent payments going to landlord
Hello I’ve had portal message this morning saying that rent will be paid to them from next month , ive explained to them that I’ve had troubles sorting it out with letting agents and landlord but they won’t listen , can I get this to stop?
Looking into supported living
I'm looking into supported living with young and old people
Hi, my name is catmac! Looking on advice for home adaptations
Im looking for some help, guidance,pointers as at the minute I have no idea what to do next or where to start getting things in place. I live with my husband who has Multiple Sclerosis and recently a brain tumour. At this time he is still in hospital but lots of changes will be needed before he comes home. He has had a bad…
Advice about eviction
Hi all,I'm hoping for some advice on behalf of my sister.She is renting from a private landlord who is now selling the property. She had a court hearing a week or so ago and they were given until May 10th to vacate the home. So far,local authorities have failed to find them somewhere else to live and things have just got…
NHS Wheelchair scheme
Hi I am new here and hoping for some advice. I am a long-term wheelchair user, my last 3 chairs from the NHS have been... Kuschell K4 Quickie Argon Quickie Argon 2 with Jay 3 back, Jay easy visco cushion and push handles I've had my current Argon for 7 years and am just about to replace it. The NHS have given me a voucher…
Help towards getting on the council registar
Hi all I'm new to your site, and very unsure who and how to ask for some help. I find it hard to ask for the above but life changes had made it difficult to stay in the situation I'm in. I'm classed as disabled and get high pip, UC, plus high mobility. I am 64yr single and rent privately. I have absolutely no ideal how to…
Social housing & white goods
All I would like to thank everyone that has helped me with advice on this platform 👏👏 The good news is I have been offered a 1 bed bungalow going to view tomorrow, has to be 100% better than temporary accommodation. The not so good news is I was informed yesterday 27th March & I will view tomorrow 29th the housing…
Recieving PIP , student and Bedroom tax?
Hi I am currently living in temporary accommodation. However the council has found me a council flat for me and my cousin to live in. The tennancy will be Soley on my name and not my cousins However he is a full time student, aged 19. I am receiving universal credit, Limited Capability for wok work and daily living…