Hi, I'm JoJack! I am supporting a person who has been an electric wheelchair user for over 15 years
I am supporting a person who has been an electric wheelchair user for over 15 years. He has been assessed as no longer needing an electric wheelchair supplied by the NHS. He has been signposted to make an Individual Funding Request to the local Clinical Commissioning Group who may be able to fund an electric chair. Does…
Carpol Tunnel surgery
I am having surgery next week for Carpol Tunnel next week I am a long term crutch user . Has anyone else had the surgery as I am worried sick how I will cope .
Housing Benefit was suspended due to move to UC. Who pays the shortfall?
Hi, My dad recently reached pension age and he and my mum are a mixed aged couple. They had to apply for UC as he’s also on DLA and they received full housing benefit. When they applied for UC, we received a letter from our local council in June to say Housing Benefit had been temporarily suspended due to the change in…
Hi, I'm holgate001! I have a Rascal Vision mobility scooter. What is the correct tyre pressure?
Hi I’m new to this forum and live in Scotland. My Mobility Scooter is a Rascal Vision can anyone on the forum help me with the correct tyre pressures for this scooter? I can’t find any mention of tyre pressures in my manual. Thanks for any help.
Will there ever be safe housing for people with disabilities?
the moment, there is no social housing, no council housing, and no supported
accommodation in the South and South East for people with disabilities. This
includes East Sussex, West Sussex, and Brighton and Hove. I
myself have a disability, and I find it very hard to cope. Because
Moving to annex
Hi, I am in the process of selling my house and buying jointly with my daughter a house with an annex. I will be living in the annex part (this has a bedroom, small kitchenette and wet room). Several questions on this as follow: Will the council charge for two council tax as it is two dwellings (house with the annex?) When…
Rehousing help
Iv just had to fill in homeless application . Dose anyone no we’re I could get help housed I have eupd , ptsd , gad must be someone out there who can help a person with a disability ☮️
Problems getting skin tag treated
In 2018 I've also had what the gps call skin tag but another medical [professional said that doesn't look like any skin tag they have seen might be a signs diabetes or cancerous so this one gp issues me antibiotics says it will take care of it this my second growth but it didn't do any thing keep in mind I purchased /…
Hi, my name is LadyMich63! I'm looking into help to move to a bungalow or cottage
I’m looking into help to move to a bungalow or cottage as I’m disabled and use both a stick and wheelchair and live in very unsafe area of Bradford so want to move as I also suffer PTSD after being housebound for three years and trapped with a cousin at his place during the lockdown who was dirty abusive and took advantage…
Housing advice
I moved in with my elderly parents as a stop gap while looking for somewhere to live. My dad became seriously ill and was hospitalised and I stayed on to make sure my parents were ok. In this period of time the housing market changed significantly, and I am now unable to move out of my parents house due to high property…
Finding care agency /cleaner in Salford
Hi, my son it going to the university of Salford next month. He's been waiting for an assessment by the council but it doesn't look like it will happen in time so we're looking into getting help privately. He just needs someone to come in once a week to change bedding and do some cleaning. Would appreciate advise either in…
Would it be worth speaking to occupational health about getting new doors fitted?
Hi, i suffer from chronic pain and i fall a lot. I had the occupational team arrive at my home and they are looking to get a grant to fit a downstairs toilet. I was very nervous when they were there. They are also putting in a back step from my patio doors to the garden. I do not go out into the garden because it needs…
Bariatric Giant Needs Help Finding Crutches
Hi Everyone, I'm having a bit of a nightmare in that I can't find the right crutches, and I've already broken several. The problem is, that all of the Bariatric crutches that my Consultant, Physio's and Occupational Therapists can find are way way to short for me. I'm 6ft 8. The other half of the problem is that even the…
Hi, my name is rickster1471! Does anyone have any issue with trying to get better housing?
does anyone have any issue with trying get better housing ?
Direct Payments
I was just wondering if anyone here has applied for Direct Payments. My nephew has suggested to apply for it, as the my hospital specialist has said I need more than the 2 hours that I pay for myself.
I have my new walking sticks now
Hi to all, I have my new walking sticks so hopefully I will have less back hip shoulder spine pain and pain in my feet and thighs now will see how it goes. I have the coopers walking sticks with black shaped handles. How good are these for the above and collapsed knees. Sparklebright63.
Hi, my name is jkc196710! Does anybody ever feel unsafe when using a mobility scooter?
Ive been wondering if anyone on here who also uses a mobility scooter has had times where they don’t feel safe using it as there are some crazy car drivers who either speed around on the road or park so close on the pavements you scratch your scooter trying to get by
Does anyone when MR came into law for legacy HB appeals previously done by the council?
Hi, Does anyone knows the date Mandatory Reconsideration came into law for legacy housing benefits appeals that were previously administered by the Council. Many Thanks.
Hi, I'm shaunwilliam33! Would I get help moving L.A. property + needing additional rooms for carer?
Hi I'm hoping someone may have an answering or point me in the right direction to obtain the information I need. I am a 46 year disabled wheelchair user, my spinal cord was severed due to a RTA in 1999. I'm in the process of getting a divorce from my wife and we have a daughter, we currently live in a housing association…
What sensory equipment is most beneficial?
Hi everyone, I am a coach, starting SEND sport sessions where a large area of the space will be a 'sensory zone'. For this, I am looking to purchase sensory equipment such as tents/ lights/ weighted items / fidget items ect but was wondering which items you find the most beneficial. I would love to have some information…