Please can someone share their experience about antidepressants im not able to take drugs from SSRI group because of side effects please can someone share their experience if find helpful using wellbutrin or mianseryna , or different thank you
Mental health
Nee to this site i suffer bad with mental health feel really down just want to try sleep all the time any ideas would be great dont go out a lot though x
A&E letter
Hi everyone last week I had to attend A&E again as I wasn’t coping, not eating getting no sleep feel unsafe in my home after speaking to the psychiatric liaison dr he discharged me and told me he would email my local council i received the discharge letter today and he has put that my current presentation is not indicative…
Feeling anxious/anemia/iron tablets :( need advice :( scared
I have been taking ferrous sulphate for my periods 200mg per day. I stopped taking it for a month/2 and had 2 periods, and started to feel very tired/weak and noticed I was struggling with my workouts again. I had a blood test, and the doctor said my results came back ' normal ' They won't divulge me yet in numbers, but…
Got a support worker
Hi every one I have a support worker now as well as a nurse a social worker and a ot . Since moving and getting a new team they seem to have done more for me than my old team . Today my support worker took me and my dog to the park and then we went for lunch . Next week she’s taking me to tescos . It’s things like that I…
Every day looks the same
God I've written so much but somehow it all was deleted and now I feel sad. I was saying... Every day looks the same, I feel no motivation at all. Nothing can get me enthusiastic. I don't want to wake up because every day is just the same, I can't seem to find something that can make me FEEL anything at all. I just feel…
I want to give up
Hey all. Hopefully you're having a better time than myself. I'm finding that I'm 'self-destructing' a lot recently and I want to give up on maintaining my health. I'm irritable and snappy, skipping meditations, and not doing anything to help myself in general. I think I'm just feeling massively overwhelmed and I'm sticking…
Please could someone share their experience with zopiclone if found it helpful thank you
Horned creatures in my garden
Please can some one advice the devil is back in my garden with other horned creatures I’m petrified .
Borderline Personality Disorder
My anxiety is spiralling out of control due to a huge mistake I have made with regards savings and benefits which I have reported and am waiting to be investigated. I also feel like my BPD is flaring up. I am normally a private reserved person but I am now feeling needy and have lost all my filters. I feel somewhat out of…
Hey everyone come say hello 👋
Hiya I'm lookin for people to talk to about anything really I signed up for support but I'm happy to talk anytime to all of u lovely people x
My Mate, Racism and his MH
Ok, so before I start I want to say all this has been shared with his permission. Yesterday, my mate got a compensation form in the post regarding antisemitic abuse he went through last year. Seeing the incident details when he opened it triggered him (street names, etc) and he told me he felt like he was back there again,…
Hi, my name is angexox24. I wanna know how I can stop myself from getting intrusive thoughts
I have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and symptoms of ptsd, and right now I’m struggling with thoughts to hurt myself or put myself in situations knowing I’ll get hurt, and I wanna know if there’s any tips to stop myself, for example I hit walls when I can’t control my emotions and the other day I put my thumb on…
Therapy sessions
i was referred to therapy sessions the therapy sessions must be done via zoom with camera on i was kindly asking the lady who called me is it possible to do via phone or with camera off because i would feel more open and confident due to anxiety when camera is off because im ashamed of myself how i look im not confident…
Im feeling really unwell
i heard today that im making myself a victim and that my illness is only additional and about my personal judgment i heard , im feeling like a monster
I stopped anti depressant - big mistake ?
Hi, I’ve posted a few times before. I’ve had poor health all my adult life and that comes with other problems doesn’t it, like relationships, jobs etc. I’m now 64 and 9 years ago had massive surgical complications that left me with 3 stoma bags. I still have them and they limit my life and everything about life that makes…
I feel depressed and really down
Hi everyone I’m feeling so down and I don’t know how to be happy I really tried but it’s so hard I went out the other day and this man smiled at me He looked exactly like my abusive ex husband I was so scared I wanted to cry I felt worried he was going to kill me as in the past he has put fire near my face and threatened…
General tiredness
Hi everyone, I have suffered with mental illness nearly all of my life. The worthlessness, triviality and fragility of life. The insomnia is terrible, the tiredness and low self esteem. I also was an unpaid carer for my mother for 23 years. IM TIRED. I worked for 26 years with young people in a school, even though…
Back in hospital
Hi every one I’m back in hospital my mental health has taken a turn for the worst again I have been in a pretty bad way some support from my friends will be much appreciated
Do I need to inform DWP I’m off sick?
Hi Scopers ! I had a mh breakdown over the weekend , I’m currently on UC and seeking employment having left my last job due to mental health issues (I’ve sadly had to cancel a job interview I had lined up!) and was wondering whether I needed to let my work coach know. I know I don’t need to get a sick note as the first…