Voucher System
IF, and I know it's a big if (hopefully) PIP is swapped to a voucher system, has there been any mention if they will change DLA to vouchers too? I haven't personally seen anything. Our middle son is 25 but still on DLA. He would get more money on PIP, but I'm not swapping him if it could mean payment in vouchers.
What to Expect After Sending a Mandatory Reconsideration
Will I get a text to say they are reconsidering it? Do I get a call from the next decision maker? Anyone know what the average waiting time for mandatory reconsideration is?
PIp reform?
" Final Money Off Coupon, Time Running Out To Challenge PIP Vouchers". I copied paste from Benefits and work subscription's site this title. Could someone kindly let me know if the new government is going to approve that PIP benefit will become at a point vouchers? I'm sorry if I sound overwhelmed, the truth is that I am…
PIP Telephone assessment
Hi I had my PIP assessment last week, I have been on PIP since 2016 and DLA since 2006 this was a change of circumstances I had asked for as I have degenerative arthritis and it had gotten much worse in the last year I had previously been on it for mental health issues so had reported “no change” on those boxes and an…
Disability Living Allowance
Hi, I applied back in March for my 4 year old son who is Autistic and only for me to receive money in my bank account today DWP DLA £1630, didn’t even expect it as I haven’t heard anything from them apart from when they needed some documents back in May, that’s at least one good news with no hassle or stress haha, I’m very…
Pip change of circumstances review.
Hi on 20th May I telephoned pip to report a change as my conditions have become much worse. I have been putting this off for some time anyway I received the form and returned it. Yesterday out of the blue a lady rang me from dwp/pip asked me a few questions about the form and at the end told me it would be 7 to 10 days…
About my son
my son will be going into a sen school and will lose the 25 hours he gets for his 1 to 1 will that affect getting medium rate cause there will be 2 tas in a room to help that kids as there’s only 10 if that in a class. My head is a mess
PIP questions after receiving text
Hello, First question, did they receive my evidence? I sent extra evidence to an address and asked them to confirm if they had received the evidence but got this standard reply: We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can. You may still need an assessment with a health professional.…
Does this mean I wont be getting a assessment?
Just received this text. my phone assessment had to be canceled due to me not being able to use the phone. I thought they were going to send me a new home assessment.
Appeal and change of circumstance
hello all, I am currently awaiting a tribunal date for PIP from my award date of 16 January 2024. I was awarded standard mobility but felt I should have got standard daily as well (2 points off). My condition has worsened and I am now on more medication etc etc. do I need to report these change of circumstances to PIP or…
Change of circumstances
I’m walking for longer now due to building up my walking very slowly over a long period of time. I suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome & arthritis & I struggled very badly with walking. I do get the enhanced for mobility. I want to put in a change of circumstances but I’m not sure how to do this & I have daily living…
Pip renewal
My husband filled in a pip renewal form in and sent it off 2nd of April 24 and still has heard nothing back should we phone them and ask since it's been over 16 weeks now or just wait for an answer
Change of circumstances with pip
hello I’m Dibby Is this the right place to ask a question about Pip and Esa? Thank you
Pip and change of circumstances
Hello everyone! I’m new hear. Hoping someone may know if what I heard today is good news? I already get standard pip for both after spinal surgery in Nov 23 and in April 24 have had half my lung removed ( Lobectomy) so called and have applied for higher rate as obviously things are a lot worse. Today they said on the phone…
Pip mot telling me my decision on the phone when it's been made
Hello am newI phone pip today asked for updates on my new cliam 1st ever one I've claimed got told a decision been made on 11th July but couldn't tell me what does this mean a no for my claim thanks for any help
UC help needed
hello I’ve already on Lcwra but I received this message a few days ago and didn’t attend the call because I didn’t see it Universal Credit Claim Review Universal Credit Claim Review warm-up call scheduled for 15/07 Claimant identified as needing warm-up call.
Pip road tax
hi there, I’m receiving enhanced pip ,my friend takes me about he drives a small van (which makes life easier for me)can he claim my free road tax TIA
Do DWP text if PIP decision unsuccessful?
Good morning, I'm still stressing about my application. I received a text last Friday 2nd December to say 'we have not yet made a decision' and I've heard nothing more where some people seem to hear a few days after this. Does anyone have experience of being declined and either not getting a decision text or being declined…
Filling and returning the PIP form
Sorry for all the questions I have been asking….. I received my PIP claim form yesterday and have to return it by 8 August. I am so pleased I have been working on my answers for the last month! Firstly does the form have to be completed in capitals or just normal writing? (I cannot see any reference on the form to this)…
PIP review after an MR
I was awarded PIP after going through the MR stage. Last October, I sent my review forms back. Should I have mentioned on it that I was awarded previously following an MR? If yes, is it too late for me to ring PIP to inform them? Thankyou.