Remote work
Hello, I am writing on behalf of my partner who has for quite some time struggled being around others. He is awaiting an autism diagnosis but in the meantime feels he cannot go back to factory work which he did before and found very stressful. He is desperate for a remote job but is having no success. He previously did…
Curious - weird job requirement & possible discrimination
I came across a job recently which is for a kind of advisor / concierge type person for a relatively large and well known company that specialises in fine food and drink, especially high end alcoholic drinks - chiefly single malt whisky One of the requirements for the job is "applicants will be required to constantly…
This thing called work
I’m a pensioner so not in the firing-line, but I worked all my adult life and occasionally now, bits of typing. I started thinking about this work thing. Yes, it’s varied from the sewage-worker to the King having to meet a lot of people who bore him silly, night-shifts, oil-rigs, Do most of us understand work as going to…
Permitted work self employed
Hi, i have been self employed on permitted work for years now. I claim an expense called use of house as office. Covers, light, telephone etc at £80 per month. This was agreed with the DWP years ago. On my income and expendire sheet i show this @ £80 per month then my wages - say £200 for example. My problem is that i have…
Oliver Mcgowen Mandortry Training
I'm going to be an expert by experience I have done all the training. I'm going to be delivering the level 2 training to all health and social care staff. If you are over 18 and have autism and/or a learning disability I would definitely recommend doing the training because you have nothing to lose I'm still not sure if I…
end of the line with current job but no idea what to do
I'm 40 and currently hate the job I've had now for almost 7 years. The first five years were fine but then I've had to endure a new and awful boss in the past year and a half which has made life extremely difficult and depressing. I've just been assigned to very meaningless tasks and relatively basic admin work. My job was…
My Employer Wont Allow Me Back To Work Yet
I need advice, I am off sick currently with a shoulder injury pending xray results. Im on my third sick note now starting from 11th June 2024. The sick note all say 'Not fit for work' . My question is I work in a cafe kitchen, but my employer will not let me back at all and wont even consider amended duties or light work.…
Advise on approaching manager about appointments
hi I’m about to start my new job on Monday and want to bring up any reasonable adjustments, they are aware I have epilepsy. I don’t know how to bring this up in relation to time of for appointments most are on the phone but every year I have an MRI, also if I have a seizure will it be put down as sickness or separated ?…
Discrimination at Work
Hi all, I’m new here and would appreciate any advice/help. Last week I was dismissed from my job. Various employment laws as well as discrimination laws have been broken, I’ve sought legal advice and I’m currently going through Mandatory Convciliation with ACAS so I don’t need advice around what next steps to take etc,…
Advice on WFH flex requests and potential unfair treatment
hello, this is my first post here. I’ve been working for my company for 4 and a half years. I am currently on maternity leave with my second baby. Since March 2020 I along with the rest of the employees have worked from home. In the beginning it was full time. When I returned from maternity the first time around we had…
I've read through and realise this is a common question.…who can I use as references? I have a very, very limited social bubble. I'm in touch with one ex-colleague, who has agreed to be a reference. I'll need a second reference. The only people I'm in contact with are my partner, dad and one friend. I don't have a…
Ghosting after 2 interviews and 1 seemingly positive tryout
I applied for a job as a football coach. I got contacted over indeed by the co owner of the football coaching company and I was told that my interviewer would email me a google meets link for a video interview. I had a positive interview (the interviewer had studied at the college I work at during term time) and then I was…
Hi, my name is brightsea! do I have to keep getting fit notes until my next 6 months holiday?
I have both LCWRA and PIP. I suffered complications from a stroke. My work sent a wrong payment including all of my wages when I no longer get paid by them. This resulted in my loss of all UC payments. I have said I can pay back half using the 6 months holiday I was entitled to. However they want it all. At this time I am…
I've been for my informal interview at my local British Heart Foundation Home Store Charity Shop
I spoke to a lady who is called Sophie and she was really lovely and understanding. She's booked me in for a taster session on Friday 5th July from 1pm to 3pm. She's put me down for general house keeping, till and general customer service, but no phone calls as I'd explained to Sophie about if I have to talk to someone I…
Hi starting 1 day a wk volunteer work after 18 months recovering from my injury (etc)
Hi everyone. So I'm LCW. I have been recovering from an injury & complications but I still have a way to go, don't know how all THAT will go. Anyway, I'm starting a 1 day a week volunteer job after 18 months focusing on my recovery - which is ongoing but there has been a lot of progress. It's a sedentary job that doesn't…
I've got an informal interview on Tuesday
I was looking through my emails yesterday and I found one from my local British Heart Foundation Home store Charity Shop asking me to book my informal interview, so I booked the 10am to 10.30am slot on Tuesday 25th June BST. I have already let my local job center know about my informal interview on Tuesday.
The Third Sector/CICs Governance
Hi I applied for a job with a Community Interest Company which operates mental health facilities in the Wirral and Chester on behalf of the local NHS Trust. I am a qualified social worker, have a qualification in community education, have worked for the NHS, have worked for an NGO in Uganda I have lived experience of…
Are there any side hustles I can do from my computer to make some money?
Hello, I live in Canada and have minor CP. I have worked in the hospitality industry and now work for a non-profit as a social worker. I am exhausted and burnt out. Are there any legitimate work-from-home jobs out there?
Don't know what to do. Am I being discriminated against? I could really use a sanity check.
Had a difficult meeting today and could really use a sanity check. I started working for a company almost two years ago (it will be two years next month). Initially, I joined in a Graduate position and had to learn a lot. Over time, I became good at my job, receiving a very positive 'above expected' mark on my performance…
Housing and Work.
Hello to whom it may concern, It is important for me to try to contact someone who might help me figure out the following doubts; if I start working and I'm receiving LWCRA universal credit will the DWP take out my benefit ? I've been told the opposite . But I'm confused i believe that I can volunteering and work as well…