Job Coach and Access to Work

RSISolutions Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
How much will access to Work pay for a job coach per hour if I source my own?


  • RSISolutions
    RSISolutions Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    Yes, of course, they will provide one. But it will be generic and not specific to my industry. I would prefer one specific to my industry. I already have one in mind. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    They won't pay for one because they have job coaches they normaly cover most jobs or pass you on to other people that can help 
  • RSISolutions
    RSISolutions Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    They won't pay for one because they have job coaches they normaly cover most jobs or pass you on to other people that can help 
    Hi Lisa. Thanks for your reply. Would you mind elaborating on why you say this? Are you speaking from experience having asked for one of your choice yourself ? Or is there another reason you say this from your experience? 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @RSISolutions yes I asked myself  and they told me that they wouldn't pay for someone but they will find someone that can help you get where you want to be and the job you would like to do 

    Also you could also speak to someone from scope job support  who can also help you i have received alot of help from scope job support you can get the help you need just as good sometimes paying someone could drag it out more 

    Have you tried LinkedIn online some people on there can also give you free advice 

    Do you mind me asking what type of job you are looking for or the industry you would like to work in ? I may be able to get you more information 

  • RSISolutions
    RSISolutions Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    edited April 2021
    Hi @lisathomas50. Thank you for your reply. 

    'Access to Work' is a goverment grant for disabled people or people who have a health condition, who have been offered a job or who are already in a job.  Amongst other things, they will provide grant funding to pay for a 'Job Coach' to help you whilst in work.

    I am currently disabled and working and I want to apply for funding to aply for a job coach who will have specific experience in the industry in which i will be working rather than one which is more generic, which is often what they supply. 

    The question I am asking here is does anyone have lived experience of using an 'Acess to Work' Job Coach which they have chosen and up to how much will the grant pay for this person per hour? 

    I already have a person in mind to be my 'Job Coach'. I do'nt need help in finding one. I only want to know how much the scheme normally pays for this person
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected

    You will probably find the staff guide helpful to read

    You would need an assessment and this takes many factors into consideration, I don’t think anyone could tell you specific amounts you would be awarded. 

    Yes I have known people to be able to source their own help as long as they stay within their given allocated amounts. 

    Obviously you can’t know any of this until you have applied and been assessed. 

    I think some might of misunderstood what you meant by job coach. 
  • RSISolutions
    RSISolutions Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    edited January 2023
    Final comment. I was given the funding by Access to Work to pay for my own chosen job coach.  The funding was a fixed amount. This was someone who had never been a job coach before but worked in my own industry. It made all the difference and helped me to succeed in my first project. 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    That's great to hear @RSISolutions! Thank you for the update :)
  • gemmaeve
    gemmaeve Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi I've got experience with this from 2 aspects. Having ADHD I have received access to work funding and the coaching service they offered did not meet my need so I sourced my own which was significantly cheeper so well within the agreed budget and they agreed to this. I had to just justify my reasons. Secondly I also have a second business  as a ADHD coach. I have clients who work with me who have got funding for the coaching through the access to work funding 😊