Employee representation in appeal hearings?
Hello everyone, I wonder if anyone can provide me with any organisation/charity in the Guildford that provide free employees representation in appeal hearings. TIA.
Returning to work they have asked for sick note
I told my employer I needed time off cause I was struggling with mental health haven't been to doctors or anything about it but needed time to myself now I feel better in myself to return to work but they are asking for a fit note but I haven't been doctors or anything would I need to book an appointment and discuss it…
Can NI Credits be paused temporarily?
Hello, I hope you are well. I have been unemployed for some time due to chronic illnesses and I receive National Insurance (NI) credits, but nothing else as my contribution based ESA could only last 1 year. I maybe starting a temp job working from home, and my PAYE salary for those months will likely pay the NI. Can anyone…
Early retirement on health grounds
Afternoon greetings I have been diagnosed with a multi-level spinal disease which worsen off and will worsen off (according to GP) and has been on sick leaves receiving SSP from my employers since April 2024as my condition made me and will carry on to hinder my ability to do my work (I’m bedridden).The LWARC has been agree…
Found text saying that I had a message from UC on my journal
I found a text on my phone about 2 to 2 and a half hours ago on my phone saying that I had a message on my journal from UC,so I logged into my account and found a message saying that they need to know more about my health condition or disability, but they didn't say which one they need to know more about. They said that…
Asking for Garden Leave due to discrimination
hi all, this will be a long post I imagine so I’m sorry in advance! I have been diagnosed with; Fibromyalgia Autism Ehlers Danlos syndrome EUPD My work area is not disability compliant currently and my OT has recommended I use a wheelchair on my bad days to remain independent. Current situation at work is that there is no…
Hi, I am planning to move out, therefore would not be entitled to housing benefits. Will I still be entitled to the work allowance. If so would this be done automatically or will I have to start the whole process again?
Employer refused reasonable adjustment for MH
Hi, I've been receiving counselling for Mental Health from my employer for the past year and my employer is fully aware of my depression & anxiety, i'm currently signed off work and on medication yet my employer keeps pushing me I have an issue with the main boss of my work department and I have been asking for the past…
Where are all the WFH/Remote jobs?
Has anyone had any success in finding decent WFH jobs that don't require travel to an office? I can no longer travel/drive for more than about 10-20 minutes and after extensive searching, I'm beginning to think those roles don't really exist. Where are the best places to look? Maybe I'm not looking in the right places. The…
LCWRA understanding Descriptor help please
Hi guys, I have read two seperate versions of descriptors online relating to 'conveying food or drink intot the mouth.' one reads - Cannot get food or drink to own mouth without needing somebody with you to regulary prompt and remind you. the other d) Owing to a severe disorder of mood or behaviour, fails to convey food or…
No record of having a job
Hello, I hope you are well. I am new to this forum. I have been unemployed for over 10 years due to health problems. I receive NI credits to get a pension if I live to reach retirement. I don't receive any other benefits and live with relatives. A disability friendly employer has offered a job working online as a temp for…
New AET universal credit
hiya I was wondering if somebody could give me some advise. I am a single mother with a 3 year old. I had diagnosed ADHD. Anxiety depression. I get standard rate pip and work an average of 16 hours a week. This was never a problem untill the AET has gone up to £892 per month. I am now having to go to weekly meetings with a…
Work assessment appointment
Hi I have been referred by universal credit for a work assessment appointment, I have been off work for 9 months covered by sick notes, I had a uc50 form sent to me in Feb this year but have heard nothing back on that, now I have this appointment, I have rhumatoid arthritis and find it difficult to stand or sit for too…
Work Capability Assessment
Hi everyone, I have my WCA soon and I’m so unbelievably nervous about it. I’ve been doing my research and I also did a self assessment of which I scored a high amount of points, so I have confidence I will be placed in the LCW group. However I’m struggling with the LCWA points system as if I need 15 points just from one…
Need to change my hours
Hi I was recently diagnosed with ME/CFS and was off work for almost a year. My GP and occupational health advised to return to my job on a part time basis of no more than 20 hours a week. Building up to this gradually. My work were standing firm, saying my role had to be full time. They did offer me a temporary role, but…
Advice needed, please
Hello, I'm a mildly Dyspraxic female with spacial awareness and co-ordination issues, also has Dyscalculia (number Dyslexia), is quite shy and reserved (and possibly Autistic/has some social anxiety issues) who is looking for work near Maidstone, Kent, as I'm looking to relocate there at the end of next month. I'm unable…
Hi, my name is bomarh! I need to know about volunteering remotely
Hello my name is Ali form Saudi arabia I work as a graphic designer
Hi I'm asking for some advice. After a year of bullying at work due to my disabilities physical and mental I was signed off work in late November last year. My Employer suggested I might be signed off or had I considered medical retirement on many occasions. I was struggling especially when he moved to a different location…
going back to work
i'm disabled with ms and on a bad day i cant walk. started a new treatment and its going well! going back to uni to do a fine art degree! was looking about me doing some acting work as an extra. how would it effect my esa? i have the arts in my blood!
Advice on volunteering?
I'm 27 and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 5 years ago and haven't been in any type of work since then, my mobility isn't great most days but I really miss working. I used to work in nurseries and schools, but know that wouldn't be a realistic role for me now. I'm struggling to think of/find volunteering that won't…