Counsellors with Cerebral Palsy

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,719 Cerebral Palsy Network

We offer short and long-term counselling for people with Cerebral Palsy with a counsellor (male or female) who has Cerebral Palsy.

Support with NHS funded, self-pay & you can start very quickly with self-pay before switching to NHS funding when it comes in.

Online Video/Telephone sessions & assistive sessions for people with communication devices.

If you have seen a counsellor before via the NHS or self-paying yourself, did they understand your Cerebral Palsy?

Why is Counselling with a Specialist Cerebral Palsy Therapist important?

They will understand from lived experience:

· Feelings of being trapped inside your home & body

· Lack of access to public buildings

· Being looked at that little too long in public

· Ever-changing carers

· Lack of privacy or feelings with the carers helping you with highly personal functions

· Financial strain with equipment & running costs of them

· The use of communication devices

· The secondary medical problems

· Sexual functions

· Epilepsy

· Identity (who are you)

· Hallucinations

· Difficulty with relationships

Specialist Cerebral Palsy Counsellors know the emotional & mental health problems but, more importantly, know how to support you with:

· Social & General Anxiety

· Health Anxiety

· Grief & Loss

· Mood Effective Disorders (emotional regulation)

· Anger/Rage

· Personality Changes

· Shame

· Depression

· Low-Self-Esteem

· Obsessive Disorders

· Despair

Adults with CP have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, suicidal/self-harm thoughts and other serious mental & emotional problems.

We are here to support you

We are a friendly and confidential counselling service that specifically helps people with disabilities.

We are the first and only counselling service with such a large number of counsellors from all disability groups.

We are the only service that matches you with a therapist who has the same condition; you can even have a therapist with a different disability if you so wish.

Because we only use disabled therapists, they do not see it as a job; they are passionate about supporting you.

We at DisabilityPlus are so proud of what we do and even prouder of whom we support.

The first step is always the hardest; we understand that. We are here not to make money; we are here for you.


Contact us -

Phone us: 01932 881849 – (9 - 5 pm)

NHS – Self-Referral:


"Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they're never weakness."
