Boiler in Council Bungalow

Sparklebright63 Scope Member Posts: 171 Contributor
Hi to all,

What Can I do about our Boiler in the Bungalow it Keeps Going Off on its Own have had Council out about 40 times in the past few Years we want it Swopping it's really annoying having to phone up everything it goes gone twice today.
If I try to reset dosnt work it is Stressing me out I will be phoning Council on the 1st of January how can I get them to change it Over.

Or move me to where the boiler will work consistently I cannot cope with the hassle of it been unpradictaball.



  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    I'd echo @woodbine's advice here @Sparklebright63, see if you can contact your local council after the new year for some help and support. Do you have friends or family close by who could help out?

    Perhaps you can ask about whether the council offer a service like the Priority Services Register? You can still sign up if you pay your bills through the housing association. 
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,234 Championing
    I can see how frustrated you are. In order to keep  you safe right now because I'm a member of the community I have to ask are you warm, have water and are able to make food and drink for yourself?
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    edited December 2022
    Things to do:

    a) Phone (take the name of the person you speak to, create ownership of the issue) the Council, but back that up with an email (create a paper trail),

    b) Email the housing officer at the Council, explain the complaint in full, i.e. history etc. Follow the Council's complaints procedure.

  • Sparklebright63
    Sparklebright63 Scope Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    Hi to you all,

    Yes can do all the above my husband reset it when it when off but so annoying it won't reset for   I am partially sighted  so don't know if its me or not.
    I will phone them on the First of January.

    Thankyou for asking.
