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Help with Claiming with a partner

charlotte84 Community member Posts: 96 Courageous
Hello all hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas, my question today is I’m thinking of claiming together with my partner. I’m on ESA he’s on UC do anyone no what benefit we will be put on together. I also have children and I’m also disabled. Thankyou in advance x


  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,887 Disability Gamechanger
    Is your ESA income-related? Do you receive LCW or Support Group? If you move in together it’ll be a joint UC claim. If you receive contribution-based ESA that will continue to be paid separately and deducted from the UC entitlement. Please answer the above questions for an appropriate answer.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited December 2022
    Are you also receiving Child Tax Credits for your children? Do you receive Housing Benefit? If so these too will end when you claim UC and the UC entitlement will include support for children and rent.

    Are you receiving DLA or PIP? Does your ESA include a Severe Disability Premium?

    Does he receive any extra money in his UC for being unable to work? Does he receive any benefits other than UC?

    If you do live together your partner will need to report that he is now living with you. He should be given a linking code. You will then have to claim UC and by using the linking code your claim will be linked to his. One UC payment will be made for both of you.

    You can use a benefits calculator to work out what your 
    joint payment may be.
    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • charlotte84
    charlotte84 Community member Posts: 96 Courageous
    @bg844 yes it is income related. Thankyou 
  • charlotte84
    charlotte84 Community member Posts: 96 Courageous
    @calcotti I receive child tax credit and also housing benefit. Also I receive pip my partner receives pip aswell along with Lwrca. What is a linking code may I ask. Thankyou 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited December 2022
    What is a linking code may I ask.
    As explained it is a code that your partner will be given if he reports he now lives with a partner. When you then apply for UC when you say that you have a partner you will input the linking code so that your two claims are linked together to create a joint claim.
    calcotti said:
    If you do live together your partner will need to report that he is now living with you. He should be given a linking code. You will then have to claim UC and by using the linking code your claim will be linked to his. One UC payment will be made for both of you.
    @calcotti I receive child tax credit and also housing benefit. Also I receive pip my partner receives pip aswell along with Lwrca. 
    I didn't answer the question about whether your ESA include a Severe Disability Premium. If you currently live alone (apart from your child) you should be getting SDP (unless someone claims a benefit for caring for you) if your ESA is income based. Do you know if your ESA is entirely income based or a mix of contribution based and income based?

    Your joint benefit income will be less than the combined benefit income you each receive separately. This should not stop you living together but in order than you can plan your lives together it is definitely worth using a benefits calculator and/or contacting an advice agency to work out what you receive as a couple.

    The joint UC claim would include

    Couple allowance
    • Child element for your children
    • Housing element for help with rent (if applicable)
    • LCWRA element which. Although, if you are in the ESA Support Group (you didn't answer that question) you both have LCWRA status, only one of you can receive the element.
    • Carer element which the one not getting LCWRA can claim for looking after the other.
    If any of your ESA is contribution based you would still receive that but it will be deducted from the UC payment.

    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Community Co-Production Group, Scope Member Posts: 11,128 Disability Gamechanger
    I'm pleased you had a lovely Christmas 
  • charlotte84
    charlotte84 Community member Posts: 96 Courageous
    @calcotti thank you for all of your very useful information, my ESA is income based. I don’t no anything about SDP x
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited December 2022
    @calcotti thank you for all of your very useful information, my ESA is income based. I don’t no anything about SDP x
    Somebody who is the only adult in the household, receives Daily Living PIP and nobody claims Carers Allowance or carer element of UC for looking after them is entitled to SDP addition in their ESA. There is no equivalent in UC.
    Who do you live with at the moment? How much ESA do you get?
    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • charlotte84
    charlotte84 Community member Posts: 96 Courageous
    @calcotti I’m just living with my children atm, I think I roughly get around £230 a fortnight Esa x
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited December 2022
    Contribution based ESA would be £235.20/fortnight. Income based ESA would be higher than this (if you are in the Support Group). £230/fortnight therefore looks low. Are you having any deductions take from what you are paid?

    Perhaps you could post a breakdown of you award or a copy of your calculation (but make sure to remove any personal details).

    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • smudge9000
    smudge9000 Community member Posts: 40 Connected
    Hi just looking for abit of advice I'm looking at moving in with my partner he gets esa and in the support group he does have a few health conditions so I do most things when I visit him 

    How will it work if I do move in I don't claim any benefits or work at the minute will I get put on his claim don't no how it works

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,055 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi just looking for abit of advice I'm looking at moving in with my partner he gets esa and in the support group he does have a few health conditions so I do most things when I visit him 

    How will it work if I do move in I don't claim any benefits or work at the minute will I get put on his claim don't no how it works

    Calcotti doesn't like to be tagged because they have all notifications turned off. I answered your question on your thread here.

    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
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