Hi, my name is TopBanna!

TopBanna Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I’ve been epileptic all my life and one one thing lve been most happy about is how independent l am. It’s nice to have people that care but it just as good to be self reliant. But that all has turned into a mess if having epilepsy wasn’t bad enough l was then stuck with **** Cancer and my lovely surgeon pressured me into having a stoma and a warning to anyone that is being told about them. I know it was prob the only way they could of done the radiotherapy but putting the stoma but if l know that having the stoma would lead to me so much pain and stress, it would of been atleast nice if one of the stoma nurse told me what that surgeon had brought me with it pain and distress that what my surgeon had failed to say a word about it common to get a hernia as a side effect. I love to know what any of those doctors at Northwick Park Hospital l meet during my cancer treatments the same can be said for Charing Cross the cancer doctor and cancer nurse must unlike me of must of know what a hernia is and how it would effect the cancer treatment and what more pain it would bring me on my daly trips into Charing Cross for Radiotherapy and effects. GUYS I CAN ONLY SPEAK FROM The HEART I WENT THROUGH ALOT HELL with cancer but in November at last l wake up with screams of pain after l wake up on the operating table from get the stoma reversal. I had hoped the nightmare had ended it feels 
a new one has now started and is changing the game. When you have been epileptic as long as l have


  • TopBanna
    TopBanna Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Does anyone like me get blackout with memory loss when undergoing a fit
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Good Morning @TopBanna i just want to welcome you to our great, supportive group.
    It does sounds like you have been put through the mill, with all your treatment, i am sorry to hear this and i take it the hospitals haven't finished with you yet, bless.

    When your ready have a look around the site, we have lots going on, hopefully you will come across others, that can associate with your treatment,condition. You may also find the site useful for distraction as well.
    Join in on any of the chats or ask any questions, any problems just ask someone is bound to be online.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing

    Hello @TopBanna

    I'm so sorry about your cancer diagnosis. I have a stoma through Inflammatory Bowel Disease and I'm also so sorry you had such trouble and pain with yours. I'm very upset for you, that they didn't tell you about the Hernia warnings. I still wearing supportive garments on a semi-daily basis and I have had a stoma since 2020.

    Sorry to ask again as I didn't understand the last part of your post, you had the stoma reversed in November? and it's not going well with that or the epilepsy?