Esa and housing benefit

wanda36 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Hi I’m looking for a bit of advice I’m reading and getting told a lot of different things about this I get esa I also get the disability premium and housing benefit I’ve been told by other people that i will be put over to uc either 2023 or 2024 because I get housing benefit but I’ve read that It won’t be until 2028 which also included the housing benefit I’ve no idea what to believe I also have autism and it’s making me anxious and I’ve had a few meltdowns over it it’s getting that bad that I just want to move back in with my mum 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Those that are claiming ESA will not be invited to apply for UC until at least 2028 and this includes those that are also claiming housing benefit.
    Those that are claiming tax credits with ESA and/or housing benefit will be invited to apply anytime up to end of 2024 (unless the timeline changes and i suspect it will)
    The reason for the Government delaying the process for those claiming ESA is because it will save them a huge amount of money! Purely because If your ESA doesn't include the Severe disability premium and you're in the Support Group then LCWRA for UC pays more than ESA Support Group.
    However, if a change of circumstances prompts a move in the meantime you will need to claim UC.
  • wanda36
    wanda36 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you 
  • ladyluck
    ladyluck Online Community Member Posts: 83 Empowering
    Hope you get sorted out Wanda. If you’re disabled in any way, this government isn’t making it easy for you to feel secure. As another poster said, if it’s saving them money, they will delay. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    ladyluck said:
    Hope you get sorted out Wanda. If you’re disabled in any way, this government isn’t making it easy for you to feel secure. As another poster said, if it’s saving them money, they will delay. 
    But claimants can apply for UC if it will make them better off - they don't have to wait until forced by DWP.

    As poppy advised, those on ESA without a Severe Disability Premium would usually be better off on UC. However they shouldn't apply for UC without doing a benefits heck because once UC is applied for there is no going back.